Lars Petter Solås is stripped of his membership in the FRP – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

The reason is the events at a nachspiel in connection with the party’s national meeting at the end of April. There, he allegedly grabbed a journalist in the crotch, shouted at and threatened another, and choked a third. – Trust in Solås is lost through behavior for which we have zero tolerance, says party leader Listhaug on Sunday evening. The party says that it should be safe to be among Frpers in all contexts. – The case has shown that trust in Solås has been lost through behavior for which we have zero tolerance. We are following that up with the decision made by the Central Board on Sunday evening. It must be safe to be among FrPers in all contexts for journalists and everyone else, says Listhaug on the Frp’s website. On its website, the FRP writes that in the last week the party has conducted interviews and surveys to map out what has happened during the nachspielet. There must have been great variation in what was communicated. – Overall, we have come to the conclusion that there has been unwanted behavior during the nachspiele. In the FRP, we should not have such behaviour, therefore it has been important to survey the basis for the case, concludes the central board. Lamented FRP’s former mayoral candidate in Oslo, Lars Petter Solås, lamented earlier this month an incident at a nachspiel during the party’s national meeting on 29 April. – I’ve made a fool of myself. During the national meeting on Saturday 29 April, I drank far too much and lost control of myself. At a nachspiel I behaved recklessly towards several journalists. Several newspapers have covered the events, Solås wrote in the post. He further wrote that the episode was like a black hole for him, but that there is no excuse. – I deeply apologize to all those who have been affected by this. Sorry to all of you. Pardon! I am incredibly sorry!, Solås wrote. The central board allows Solås to join the FRP again from 14 May 2024, but at the same time asks him now to “consider applying for exemption from the electoral list”. Solås must himself apply to the municipality to be removed from the list. Party leader Sylvi Listhaug writes that she hopes that Solås gets the assistance he needs to avoid getting into such a situation again.
