Lars Christian Berger in Kristiansund has replaced data with golf – news Møre og Romsdal – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: Lars Christian Berger went from being isolated in front of the computer screen to being social on the golf course in Kristiansund. He was introduced to golf through an offer from the municipal psychologist, aimed at those who have ended up outside “normal society”. The organization “Ett slag av gång” is behind the concept, and the offer is available in 50 golf clubs around the country. The golf club in Kristiansund collaborates with the correctional service and the mental health and substance abuse department in the municipality to recruit participants for “One shot at a time”. Golf has not only made Berger more active, but also more open and social. He describes golf as incredibly good for mastery. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAI. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – I struggled with bullying and such during my upbringing. Slowly but surely I ended up more on the outside, says Lars Christian Berger. Every Wednesday, a small group gathers at the golf course in Kristiansund. Everyone has in one way or another ended up outside of “normal society”, but the goal is for them to return. Tool: Golf. From the computer to the golf course When Berger moved from Kongsberg to Kristiansund, he hardly knew anyone. He spent most of his time by himself. He said that he could sit for up to seven hours in front of the computer. But that is no longer the case. – Now I’d rather spend seven hours on the golf course, he says. Lars Christian Berger went from spending seven hours on the computer to spending the hours on the golf course. Photo: Mari Aandahl Kippernes / news It was someone who worked at the municipal psychologist who suggested that he could try the sport. There was an offer for those who had ended up outside. – I agreed, and slowly but surely there has been more and more golf, he says. Tidens Krav has also written about Lars Christian Berger. Golf fever Interest in golf has skyrocketed in recent years. During 2023, membership among children and young people increased by 15.1 per cent. It is the organization “Ett slag av gången” that stands behind the concept that Berger is involved in. It was Marianne Smith Magelie who started the offer in the middle of 2021. During the first year, 20 clubs joined the scheme. Now the number is over 50. She herself has contacted the club to get them on the team, but they have also contacted her. Several are out at school and work. Magelie says that by the end of June this year, they had 7,694 active participants. – Many want to return to a more meaningful life, and everyone can get out on the golf course, she says. – We see the whole person and work with them all the time, says Marianne Smith Magelie. Photo: news She believes that golf is an arena that is very suitable for those who have fallen outside. – You develop into a person with self-confidence and who can believe in themselves, she says. The aim of the organization is for those who join to be ready to start work, work training or school. This year, 350 people will do it, says Magelie. – And that is very good. – Fantastic to see In Kristiansund, it was Hildur Molland Vesterås who started with “Et slag av gången”. When the golf club was asked if they could imagine having this offer, she had no doubts. – I had time and thought “why not?”. It is also an inspiration for the club, she says. May Britt Berild Rønes is one of those involved as a coach for the gang. She says that she has seen development over the years. – It’s fantastic to see what they achieve, she says and continues: – Social too, because not everyone has a large network. So coming here once a week to meet acquaintances with whom they are somewhat confident helps. May Britt Berild Rønes is one of those involved as a trainer for the group. Photo: Mari Aandahl Kippernes / news Important offer To recruit participants for “Eit slag av gongen” the golf club in Kristiansund has agreements with the correctional service and the mental health and substance abuse department in the municipality. Head of department for the latter, Svein Sivertsen, says that such activities are an important offer to their users. – They get to take part in normal activities and acquire a sense of mastery. Then the days are filled with activities that may be in their area of ​​interest, that is very important, he says. There will be a lot of searching for golf balls that end up in the terrain during a session. Photo: Mari Aandahl Kippernes / news Becoming more open For Berger, time on the golf course has become extremely important. Even though it is Wednesday, which is the day for “One shot at a time”, he visits the track much more often than that. – Golf is incredibly good for mastery. There is always more to learn, he says. Not only has he become more active, he has also become more open and social. – If someone had told you that life would be like it is now five years ago, what would you have said? – Then I would have laughed to myself and left, because I hadn’t believed it. It’s a little different from what I imagined, so to speak. Published 30.09.2024, at 16.06
