Largest wolf hunt in modern times in Sweden – Latest news – news

28 October 2022 at 08:18 Largest wolf hunt in modern times in Sweden 75 wolves will be shot in Sweden this winter. It will be the biggest wolf hunt in modern times, writes SVT. For the first time, it has also been opened for Norwegian and Swedish hunters to hunt simultaneously in several border areas. – The wolves migrate from Sweden to Norway, so we think it’s very good that we can hunt in both countries at the same time, says Ada Bredalen of Norway’s Hunters and Fishers Association. Most wolves will be shot in Värmland, where 30 wolves are scheduled to die. The Swedish wolf population currently consists of 460 animals. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has set the minimum stock at 300 animals. The wolf hunt has caused reactions in both Norway and Sweden. Critics say the hunt could threaten the entire population. – What is being prepared now is absolutely horrible. It is a critically endangered species, says Arnodd Håpnes of the Norwegian Nature Conservation Association.
