Large search operation for missing woman in her 60s in Årdal – news Vestland

Just after 12 noon on Friday, the police received a report that a woman in her 60s was missing in the area of ​​Eldegarden and Rausdalen in Årdal in Vestland county. – We think that she could potentially have ended up in a situation where she needs help, says Eirik Loftesnes, head of operations in the West police district. The police take account of the fact that she started the trip alone from Eldegarden on Monday. The woman has a home hearing in Årdal municipality. Collecting data from her mobile phone The police have received information from the woman’s phone which they are now using in the search to map where she has moved. – That information means that we will do a more thorough search in the area on the east side of Eldegardsnosi, down towards Rausdal, says Loftesnes at 19.36. The police have requested a helicopter from HRS to search from the air. Volunteer crews from Norwegian People’s Aid, Norwegian Rescue Dogs and the Red Cross participated in the search. At 20:00 the police report that the search is in full swing. Approximately 30 people are involved in the search. Several uncertain observations There were acquaintances of the woman who contacted the police, as they had not come into contact with her. The trip he would potentially go on is a route of around 5 kilometers as the crow flies. – But you can count on double that, says Loftesnes. The police say there have been several uncertain observations from people who may have seen the woman on Monday or Tuesday, but say they are working to get clarity on the timeline. The police believe the woman was not well equipped to be out on a trip over several days.
