Large price differences on whether the meat is marinated or not – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

Grilling season has long since begun. In the shops, there is an increasingly large selection of meat that you can have on the grill. Pre-marinated meat in particular has become more common on shop shelves. And it’s not cheap. Large price differences If you are tempted by a pork tenderloin on a hot summer day, the natural version costs NOK 179 per kilo at REMA 1000. The same tenderloin, but which comes fully marinated, costs NOK 249.90 per kilo. So a difference of NOK 71.90. But it doesn’t just apply to the tenderloin. At Kiwi, a natural package of chicken fillet costs NOK 163 per kilo. A chicken fillet with barbecue marinade costs NOK 225 per kilo. NOK 62 more expensive. See more examples of price differences here: NOK 32 difference per kilo. NOK 22 difference per kilo. NOK 44 difference per kilo. – It is quite fierce that there is such a large price difference. I haven’t noticed this, says shop customer at Rema 1000 Grannes in Stavanger, Stian Kristiansen. Read what the grocery chains say about the price differences further down in the article. Stian Kristiansen with the children Leonel and Matteo. Today there will be hamburgers on the grill, with a homemade marinade. Photo: Øystein Otterdal / news Surprised customers Kristiansen and his wife tend to marinate themselves, and therefore never buy ready-marinated meat. After noting the price differences, he didn’t exactly feel like buying ready-marinated from a store any more. – They get paid well for the marinade. I am surprised, he says. One who also tends to marinate the meat himself is Thomas Hetland. He meets news at Kiwi Eiganes in Stavanger. – I don’t buy much ready-marinated. And the price differences are quite large, he says. Thomas Hetland likes to grill and spend a lot of time cooking. Buying pre-marinated is therefore not something he often does. Photo: Øystein Otterdal / news Hetland believes that prices are something people can easily overlook in a busy everyday life. – It has happened that I have had a bad time one day and just quickly took a ready-marinated pork fillet with me for the kids. Can be made cheaply and easily even Arve Serigstad is a food broker. He demonstrates how easy and cheap it is to make a good marinade for meat yourself. – It is more affordable because I know that at least I have what I need for the marinade from before, says Serigstad. Food broker Arve Serigstad prepares marinade for chicken. Photo: Øystein Otterdal / news He has shallots, lemon, acacia honey, ginger, mustard and oil in front of him. – Now I make a marinade that I use on chicken. He makes the marinade in five minutes. He himself thinks it is unnecessary to buy ready-marinated meat. – People should do more themselves. It brings food enjoyment, he says. According to Serigstad, it is cheaper to make the spice mixture yourself, instead of paying for a pre-marinated piece of meat. Therefore, the price is higher. news has been in contact with Nordfjord, which produces the tenderloins depicted in the case. They say REMA 1000 is responsible for pricing the products. Campaign manager in REMA 1000, Hans Joar Nese, says the marinated meat cuts have an increased degree of processing. – It takes longer to work with this meat, and therefore the price of the product will be higher. At the same time, he says the competitive situation in the market will be able to affect the price. The Norwegian Group’s communications manager can confirm this: – The main reason why marinated meat is often more expensive than pure meat is both the degree of processing and the ingredients in the marinade, says Kine Søyland. Communications manager in the Norges group, Kine Søyland. Photo: Norgesgruppen She also mentions that the price will be affected by campaigns and possible price pressure on the marinated meat products. Best with homemade Store customer Hetland thinks that even homemade marinade is better than what you get ready-made marinade in the store. – I like grilling with charcoal, so spending some time on the food is something I’m used to, he says. Hetland has finished today’s shopping trip. There was no barbecue on a rainy day in Stavanger. Photo: Øystein Otterdal / news
