Large increase in the number of victims in the case against the municipal superintendent at Frosta – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

news names Frosta municipality in order to be able to follow the municipality’s handling of this case, both over the years and now today. As enshrined in the Vær varsom poster, it is the duty of the press to uncover objectionable circumstances and protect individuals against abuse or neglect by public authorities. The former municipal superintendent has been charged with very serious and criminal offences. He has been a trusted doctor in the local community – who over several years was the GP for 1,700 of the municipality’s residents. At the same time, it is important to clarify that the doctor currently has the legal status of the accused, and not the defendant. He pleads not guilty. The press must show particular caution in cases at an early stage of the investigation. news therefore does not identify the doctor by name at the present time. We are also careful with information about patients who will be part of the case.
