Large increase in the number of people affected in the case against the municipal superintendent at Frosta – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

The former municipal superintendent in Frosta has already been charged with 34 rapes. 93 women have the status of aggrieved in the case against the former doctor. Now the head of the investigation says that they have recognized 159 new women in the video material they have reviewed. – We have now reviewed the seized video material and at the beginning of this week have contacted most of those who have been recognized on video, says Eivind Guldseth, head of police investigations in the case at Trøndelag police district. Some of those filmed have been exposed to what the police believe may be sexual intercourse in the form of masturbation in violation of the Criminal Code’s provisions on rape. Others have been filmed, and the police will assess whether this in itself could be in breach of the Criminal Code. – I don’t want to go into too much detail about what film is, but it is quite a broad spectrum. From what we have previously referred to as sexual intercourse and up to the fact that ordinary gynecological examinations have been carried out where nothing criminal has happened during the examination apart from the fact that it has been filmed, Guldseth says to news: The man does not plead guilty. – Seeing the investigation well, Guldseth confirms that the video material they are sitting on clearly shows what is happening. – The quality is such that we see the investigation well. There are several cameras and several angles without me wanting to go into the number of cameras. – When we see the video and if it is played in court, there is no doubt about what will be done. Investigation manager Eivind Guldseth. Photo: Kari Sørbø / news Mayor: – Demanding – It is a very high number and very many people are affected. That’s what the mayor of Frosta, Frode Revhaug (H), says. – It is a very demanding and difficult case with a large scope. It is of course most demanding for those affected, their loved ones and family. Mayor Frode Revhaug. Photo: Morten Waagø / news Thousands of hours of video material The police seized several hard drives at the doctor’s home. The hard drives contain over 6,000 hours of video material. The police have finished looking through these. – It is those who are recognized in these videos who are called these days, says Guldseth. Work on this started on Monday. – What we are initially carrying out now is a simple notification that they are being filmed. Then those who have been filmed, and who are not offended in the case from before, will have the opportunity to explain themselves about the relationship, says Guldseth. Those who the police believe have been exposed to sexual intercourse are given the opportunity to come to the police and report the situation. Those who only wish to report the doctor for filming can do so over the phone. The police hope they will be able to speak to all the new victims during the almost two weeks. – There is an entire community in Frosta that is exposed to this, so the police want to do this as quickly as possible, says Guldseth. Many new interrogations The former doctor has not yet been charged in any of these new cases. – The prosecuting authorities will also continuously assess whether the charges should be extended, the police write in a press release. The hard drives that were seized from the doctor’s home must have been marked with the date and year. The first recordings are from 2016 and the last from 2021. The doctor has explained that the reason he filmed his examinations was to have evidence should the women make accusations against him. He was afraid it might come as many of the examinations took place outside office hours while he was alone with the patients. The abuse allegations against the doctor stretch back to the end of the 90s. So a period of over 20 years. news has tried to get in touch with the man’s lawyer, but has so far been unsuccessful. Therefore, news does not identify the doctor news names Frosta municipality in order to be able to follow the municipality’s handling of this case, both over the years and now today. As enshrined in the Vær varsom poster, it is the duty of the press to uncover objectionable circumstances and protect individuals against abuse or neglect by public authorities. The former municipal superintendent has been charged with very serious and criminal offences. He has been a trusted doctor in the local community – who over several years was the GP for 1,700 of the municipality’s residents. At the same time, it is important to clarify that the doctor currently has the legal status of the accused, and not the defendant. He pleads not guilty. The press must show particular caution in cases at an early stage of the investigation. news therefore does not identify the doctor by name at the present time. We are also careful with information about patients who will be part of the case. To be investigated Ukom, the National Commission of Inquiry for the Health and Care Service, is to start an independent investigation into the Frosta case. Ukom’s investigation will look at the role of the municipality, the State Administrator and the National Health Inspectorate in connection with the case, the commission writes on its own website. – The aim of the Ukoms investigation is to see what we can learn from an incident like this, and how we can prevent serious patient safety threats from continuing over time, without the authorities intervening. The question is how we can get effective control mechanisms that can prevent serious abuse in the health and care services, says Pål Iden, director of Ukom.
