Large increase in the number of bullying cases at the state administrators – 1,425 complaints in the first half of the year – news Nordland

At the State Administrator in Nordland alone, in the last six months, they have received 100 reports about pupils who do not have a safe and good school environment. That’s as many cases as they usually receive in a whole year. This is what is often referred to as bullying cases. How serious is it that this type of complaints is increasing in scope? – The fact that it is increasing is a sign that there is something in society that we are not getting right, says Gisle Berg, department director at the Statsforvalteren in Nordland The increase is not unique to Nordland. So far this year, 1,425 complaints about the school environment have been received, according to new figures news has received from the Norwegian Directorate of Education. This is a large increase from the first half of last year, when a total of 886 complaints were received. Girl (15): – It’s very painful. One of them who hasn’t had a good time at school is a 15-year-old girl who currently lives in Western Norway. She was subjected to bullying at a school in Nordland from the 1st grade. The bullying, which was both psychological and physical, lasted until the 7th grade. There is one word that best explains how she experienced it. – It is simply painful. Painful and very immature. You get bored. Her complaint with the State Administrator dates back several years. news knows the content, but chooses not to say which school it is about or specifically what she was exposed to for the sake of the girl. Was forced to move Despite the fact that the parents contacted the State Administrator and spoke up countless times, the bullying did not stop. The family was forced to move to another part of the country. Illustration: Egil Ursin The parents quit their jobs and the girl had to start a new school. She has been cared for there from day one, but the bullying has had consequences. She doesn’t always do well at school. Only occasionally. And feels the great disappointment when she has to register her passport at the last minute. Brenna: – It is very serious Minister of Education Tonje Brenna says this to news about the flow of complaints to the state administrators: – It is very serious that so many students are bullied and that so many feel that the school is unable to solve the problem so that they have to leave to the State Administrator. Brenna says it is important that all school leaders and others outside the school take this seriously. The best thing is that the school environment issues are resolved as quickly as possible locally and in cooperation with the parents. Tonje Brenna, Minister of Knowledge (Ap) Photo: news She promises an investment in next year’s state budget. – We will set aside NOK 35 million for local response teams that can enter the individual schools to help solve cases. We will also strengthen the state administrators’ ability to deal with cases quickly and ensure that more schools can participate in what is called the Learning Environment Project. What do you think about the 15-year-old girl and her family who had to move because of bullying? – It is dramatic for that girl and it is dramatic for the family. I also think it is dramatic for schools that are unable to resolve these issues themselves. It shouldn’t be that way, no matter where you live or who you are. Here are the measures the government is coming up with: The government is setting aside 35 million for a package that will contribute to increased competence and lead to fewer pupils experiencing being bullied and to them being safe at school. These are the measures: Help for municipalities that have struggled for a long time: We are giving 10 million to increase the number of schools that can take part in the learning environment project. It is an arrangement where those who struggle with the school environment can receive support and guidance from professionals over time. Local response teams for faster and better response: We are setting aside 15 million to trial a scheme with regional/local dedicated emergency response teams or resource persons. These teams will both support and guide the schools in their work with the school environment and contribute to a better understanding of the regulations in 9A cases. More prevention and less queues: We will strengthen the state administrators with 10 million. The aim is to reduce the queue of school environment cases pending at the authorities. We will also strengthen the state administrators’ preventive work so that they can provide support and guidance to schools and municipalities’ work to develop safe school environments. (Ministry of Education in an email to news) Increase in bullying Since the so-called “bullying law” was implemented in 2017, many thousands of parents and children have complained that schools are unable to stop bullying and other violations. The latest student survey also shows that bullying is increasing in scale at all grade levels. – It is very sad. It’s not exactly a good experience. The 15-year-old has a hope that things will get better. – I have it. Getting decent grades at school and getting a good job. A bit like that… She has made good friends in her new home. but she misses the place where she grew up until they had to move. – Yes, I guess I actually do. The place, and people I’ve known practically all my life. And good memories. What is the difference between an old and a new school? – It is better here. The teachers are better. There is probably a bit of bullying here too, but it is not much. And the teachers and the other adults at the school are very good at taking action when something happens. Thus, she has one clear piece of advice to stop bullying: Complex cases What characterizes the cases that come to the State Administrator is that they are complex cases that have been ongoing over time. news has previously said that many parents do not know that they can complain to the State Administrator when their child does not get the help needed to have a good and safe school environment. Chapter 9 A of the Education Act gives the children this right. – When they come to us, it has become so complex that it has become difficult. It is about students who are either bullied or violated or for other reasons do not feel safe and well at school, says Berg. In almost all the cases where they make a decision, they conclude that the school has breached the duty of activity that schools have – That is, the school has not done what can reasonably be expected. Gisle Berg, department director for upbringing and welfare at the State Administrator in Nordland. Photo: Synnøve Sundby Fallmyr / news He emphasizes that a lot of good is also done in schools. – Teachers and principals get it done in most cases. In addition to processing cases, we work a lot with guidance. This often leads to issues being resolved through dialogue. In particular, the State Administrator in Oslo and Viken receives cases from parents who believe that the school is not doing enough to stop bullying. Berg has one clear piece of advice for students who know that they are not feeling safe and well at school. – For those of you who feel like this, it is important that you give a clear message that you need help to get better. Don’t sit alone with it and don’t wait. It is rarely the right medicine.
