Large forest fire in Garder in Vestby – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

The fire service received the first reports about the forest fire approx. at 1.30 p.m. Tuesday. At the start, the fire was around one meter in extent. A couple of hours later it was ninety meters. There is supposed to be a newly established logging field that is burning, around one and a half kilometers northwest of Garder church. – We have no control, said duty manager Roger Andersen at East 110 central to news approx. at 17.30. The smoke from the forest fire is visible from a long distance. Photo: Hallgeir Braastad / news But the fire is still a long way from buildings, and it is not appropriate to evacuate anyone. Hold on for several days Christian Mørdre in the Mosse region fire and rescue. Photo: Hallgeir Braastad / news – Right now we have around fifty people working from the fire service and civil defence, as well as farmers and others who are helping us get control of the fire, says Christian Mørdre, head of operations in the Mosse region fire and rescue to news at 19.45. – How long will you last? – We hope to have the helicopters as long as possible and at least until dark. The rest of us will be here through the evening and night, and certainly both tomorrow and perhaps the days ahead, says Mørdre. Helicopters and manure spreaders Two fire helicopters help in the extinguishing, one from Torp Airport and one from Kjeller. The civil defense is also assisting in the fight against the flames. Vestby Avis writes that the local farmers help with the extinguishing, with water trucks and manure spreaders. This was the sight that met the fire helicopters when they arrived in Vestby. Photo: Forest fire helicopter / Helitrans The wind in the area is calm, says supervisor Andersen. It blows north, so the flames spread in that direction. – The big challenge for us now is that it is difficult to get to the area that is burning, says Andersen.
