Large foam leak after smoke build-up in business park – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

There has been a large foam leak at an industrial building at Grini Næringspark in Bærum. According to the police, there must have been smoke in a control room. The fire was extinguished by an automatic extinguishing system, which led to large amounts of foam in the area. The foam extinguishing system works so that the entire room is filled with foam in the event of a fire. – There has been an obvious mistake, a gate has been left open and then all the foam has flowed out, says Erlend Systad, emergency manager at Brann Asker and Bærum. A total of 2,000 liters of foam liquid is used, which corresponds to 1,400 cubic meters of foam. The police have ended their efforts at the scene and the fire service is in the process of cleaning up. – We received a report of a smoke build-up which triggered an automatic extinguishing system, and in any case it has generated enough foam. – A lot of foam has flowed into the river, and the fire service believes there is no acute danger to the river, says operations manager Bjarne Pedersen. Not harmful to the environment The fire service has been in contact with the American manufacturer of the foam, who believes that it should not be harmful to the environment. – There has been a lot of rain in recent days, and a lot of rain has been reported in the coming days, so we hope that this will evaporate and disappear by itself. In addition, bilge pumps and suction trucks have been installed to remove parts of the liquid and foam. Nevertheless, it will probably take a few days before all the foam is gone. Photo: Asker og Bærum Fire and rescue IKS – It shows that the facility has functioned as it should. After all, it is a lightweight foam installation that is supposed to smother a fire. Then you have to fill a warehouse in a very short time and that is the case here. That’s what the daily manager of Brannfag AS Anders Sandmæl says. He said that they walked with foam up to the body after the alarm was triggered. – Someone escaped through a gate, so the gate remained open. You can see that there is a lot in a short time. Published 18.06.2024, at 12.12 Updated 18.06.2024, at 13.56
