Large fire in the center of Fredrikstad – no control over the fire – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

There are flames and thick smoke at the site and the Kråkerøy Bridge will be closed due to the development of smoke. – The status is that it is still burning heavily from Tordenskiolds gate number 14 in the center of Fredrikstad, says police operations manager Lisbeth Mjøsund in the East police district. Firefighter slightly injured The fire has spread through the roof structure and the roof is on fire. The fire service asks residents in the area to keep windows closed and not to visit smoky areas. No injuries have been reported, but 20 people have been evacuated from apartments in adjacent buildings. Guests and employees at Hotel Fredrikstad have also been evacuated. – There is a firefighter who has received minor injuries in connection with the extinguishing work. He is being looked after by health personnel on site, Going up the river with a rescue boat The fire service was inside the building early this morning with smoke divers to search and locate the fire. The police received a report about the fire at around 04:30. LARGE RESOURCES: The fire brigade and other emergency services are on the scene. Photo: Heidi Gomnæs / news – The lifeboat is on its way up to enter from Fredrikstadelva. It will be able to contribute if needed, says the operations manager. Residents of a nearby hotel were first gathered in the lobby to be ready for evacuation. The guests have now been evacuated. – The fire is still progressing. The fire brigade has no control over the fire. It is also assessed as a risk of spreading on site. We have evacuated around 20 people. There are residents from adjacent buildings, as well as guests from Hotell Fredrikstad, says Mjøsund. The building is a type of block of flats that are linked together, the police explain. – The fire is spreading further into the building complex. And then there is a strong heat effect on adjacent buildings. We have to take into account that there may be damage to other buildings in any case. The fire service is working hard to limit damage, says the operations manager.
