Large donor conference for Ukraine – Norway gives 300 million – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The UK and Ukraine are hosting the Ukraine Recovery Conference, which starts today. They want to mobilize both the international community, the private sector, civil society and business to support the reconstruction. Investors, government officials, volunteers and private business managers are invited. More than a thousand participants are expected, who will participate both physically and digitally. In the first instance, Norway will contribute NOK 300 million to guarantee and insurance schemes. – Much is left to the work of the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction. There are risks associated with investing in Ukraine. Then we can come up with the funds that make the business community dare to take that risk, says Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt (Ap) to news. She represents Norway at the conference in London. The EU will provide NOK 580 billion In addition to Huitfeldt, the European Commission’s leader Ursula von der Leyen and US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken will be present. Ahead of the meeting, the European Commission has asked the member states to provide more than NOK 580 billion to Ukraine over four years, both loans and financial support. Through the Nansen programme, Norway has committed to providing a total of NOK 75 billion over five years. – Few countries have made such a commitment over time, Huitfeldt points out. – A country with a lot of corruption Huitfeldt says there are challenges associated with investing in Ukraine. – Ukraine has been a country with a lot of corruption. It has been an important part of the agenda of President Zelenskyj. It is severely cracked down on. We must contribute to building up an independent legal system and an independent press, says the foreign minister. Although the war is still ongoing, Huitfeldt believes it is not too early to think about reconstruction. – We must start now. Bridges that are destroyed must be rebuilt, so that the goods arrive. The schools must be built up. Many are returning now, and they need hospitals and schools. Greener industry The steel industry in Ukraine has accounted for a large part of the country’s exports. When they are going to rebuild the steel industry, they want to make it greener, and move away from coal. In the first part of the “Green Marshall Plan” – Ukraine’s plan to rebuild the country – the country is asking for 40 billion dollars, according to Reuters. This corresponds to around NOK 430 billion. Also listen:
