Landslide experts say it is difficult to report landslides in the summer – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

From an altitude of over 1500 meters, large amounts of snow fell down the mountainside in Kjenndalen in Loen on Friday. Three people, a man, a woman and a child, were hit by parts of the landslide, but came out with minor injuries. Large amounts of snow fall down the mountainside. A tourist has filmed from the race city. – It’s scary. It was very good that there was no greater damage than there was. We had reckoned that the avalanche danger was over now. It is very unusual for it to come so late. It came as a shock, says Magne Beinnes at Sande camping in Lodalen. Magne Beinnes says that the landslide in Kjenndalen came as a shock. Photo: ASGEIR HEIMDAL REKSNES / news The avalanche experts also tell news that avalanches are not common at this time of year. But it can happen. – In the inner fjord area, such as towards the Jostedalsbreen glacier and the deep valleys there, there have been landslides in June before. Especially when we have a late spring. That’s Krister Kristensen at NGI, who is on his way into Lodalen to see the landslide. Difficult to forecast Both in western Norway and in northern Norway, there is still a lot of snow in the mountains. This, combined with warm and mild weather, gives rise to the risk of landslides, but it is difficult to predict when they will be triggered. – It is very difficult to report landslides in the spring and summer. This is because it is the heat that triggers the landslide and it is difficult to predict. It is not like in the winter where most natural avalanches occur in connection with storms, says avalanche expert Kjetil Brattlien. He says that the landslide in Loen could not be notified in advance. The police have shared several pictures that were taken shortly after the landslide. Photo: Police / 330 Squadron Ørlandet The picture taken from the air shows large amounts of snow along the mountainside. Photo: Police / 330 Squadron Ørlandet This picture was taken by news from the air on Friday afternoon. – There can be landslides every day, but notifying such a landslide as this is terribly difficult. Firstly because it is unlikely that it will happen, and secondly because one does not know when, says Brattlien. At you will find natural hazard warnings in Norway. There is no warning of avalanche danger here. Kjetil Brattlien is an avalanche expert. He says that it is difficult to predict landslides that come in the summer. Photo: Mathias Moene Rød / news – We know that there is a lot of snow in the mountains and that there has been a period of mild weather. Shouldn’t one then warn of avalanche danger? – There is a lot of information on Knowledge of landslide terrain and factors that affect the probability of landslides is information that lies there, Brattlien answers. – Nature is capricious. We must have sufficient respect and knowledge so that we can travel in a safe way, Brattlien adds. Get rid of himself Rune Engeset, section leader in NVE, says that it was the heat, meltwater from the snow, and maybe a little rain, that led to the landslide in Loen on Friday. – The picture shows that it is a wet flake landslide that has loosened at almost 1800 meters above sea level and dragged along rocks and gravel and hit the valley floor, says Engeset. This car was a sign of the landslide in Loen on Friday. Photo: Rune Fossum Lillesvangstuen / news He reminds that the danger of landslides is there as long as there is snow and the terrain is steep enough. Brattlien can also afford those who will travel in nature this summer. – Think of the terrain above you, think of consequence and enjoy the beautiful nature we have. But remember that we are not immortal. Nature is more powerful than us, so we must show respect for our surroundings, he says.
