Lander Northrop B-2 Spirit in Norway – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

– It’s almost like a science fiction plane. That’s what news journalist Hallvard Sandberg says about the American bomber that today lands at Ørland air station. According to Store norske lexikon, it was used for the first time in combat during Operation Allied Force in 1999, against targets in Kosovo. The plane can carry up to 18 tons of weapons of various types, including nuclear bombs – It has a shape that no one had imagined when it arrived. It’s a flying wing, and it’s meant to penetrate heavily guarded airspace. – Described as the ultimate air weapon The plane has a spectacular shape and Sandberg believes it will attract attention among those who love planes. It is also one of the most expensive planes in the world, with a price tag of around 2.2 billion dollars per plane according to Wikipedia. – This is a big day for Norwegians who are interested in aircraft and military equipment. It’s a great opportunity to see something most people haven’t seen. Sandberg doubts that the bomber can contain nuclear weapons on a flight like today. – It has been described as the ultimate air weapon. It can deliver nuclear weapons, but I doubt it will bring them into Norway. Hallvard Sandberg is a journalist at news. Photo: news – There is no reason for it to create reactions – They must have a joint exercise with our forces. Following that exercise, they will land on Ørland where they will refuel. They will also change crew before they go back again. That’s what the boss at Ørland air station, Martin Tesli, says. He says it is important for the airport to demonstrate that they are equipped to support the needs of such aircraft. Tesli fears no reactions due to the visit. – There is no reason why this should create reactions. The fact that we train with our closest allies is something we have done for years. The fact that we accept such a capacity is as part of the defense of Norway. Tesli says they do not know what kind of weapons the plane has on board, but is clear that Norway is signaling to everyone that they do not want nuclear weapons on Norwegian soil. – The Americans know the Norwegian attitude and are well acquainted with how we align ourselves. Tesli has seen the bomber himself once, and says the design is something special. – It is a flying wing. I’ve seen it land once and I didn’t understand what was coming. I understand well that the Americans may think it is a UFO when they see it in the air. Flight commander at Ørland air station, Martin Tesli. Photo: Ingrid LIndgaard Stranden / news Happy to visit Defense Minister Bjørn Arild Gram (Sp) is also present in Ørland today. – It is important for us to develop defense cooperation with close allies such as the United States. Then we have to practice and train together and they have to be in Norway to get to know Norwegian conditions. Gram sees no reason for reactions from Russia even if the Americans bring the bomber to Norway. – There is no reason why there should be any reactions to it. We train regularly with our allies. Now it takes a few hours to land to refuel. Bjørn Arild Gram believes it is important that the Americans are in Norway to get to know each other better. Photo: David Skovly / news
