Lae Solberg invites to city council talks on Thursday – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

18 September 2023 at 11:17 Lae Solberg invites to city council talks on Thursday The Conservative Party’s city council leader candidate Eirik Lae Solberg invites the other bourgeois parties in Oslo City Council to talks about a new city council on Thursday. – I have today invited the Liberal Party, the Progressive Party and the Christian People’s Party to soundings with the aim of forming a bourgeois city council in Oslo. – Based on those surveys, I imagine that negotiations on the political basis for the new city council will be carried out from next week, says Lae Solberg to news. He says that it is too early to say which parties will sit on the city council. – Høyre’s goal is the broadest possible bourgeois city council. – Does that mean that the primary desire is a majority city council? – The Conservative Party wants a majority city council. Then I have registered that there are different views on it. That’s why it’s important to have soundings, and that’s why we invite all four to it on Thursday, says Eirik Lae Solberg.
