Lack of penicillin throughout Norway, Marit Teigen Hauge asks the authorities to take action – news Møre og Romsdal – Local news, TV and radio

In Molde, there is an ongoing outbreak of scarlet fever, which has led, among other things, to the emergency department recently setting a record in the number of patients treated. Outbreaks have also been reported in several other places in the country. But a lack of the right penicillin suitable for children means that doctors may have to resort to solutions they would have preferred to avoid. – In the worst case, you have to resort to more broad-spectrum antibiotics, and that’s a real shame, says assistant municipal doctor in Molde, Marit Teigen Hauge. This type of antibiotic can lead to antibiotic resistance, which means that the medicine will not work as well when you are sick. Today, this is one of the biggest challenges in modern medicine, according to Assistant municipal superintendent in Molde, Marit Teigen Hauge. Photo: Tore Ellingseter / news Wants the “Netflix model” The Public Health Authority in Sweden secured good access to antibiotics through agreements with pharmaceutical companies. Some call it the “Netflix model”. This means that a country pays to have unlimited access to some types of antibiotics. Access to medicine is thus adapted to needs and use, in the same way as if you subscribe to Netflix, writes Teigen Hauge believes this could have been done as a Nordic collaboration, so that more countries would have secured the medicine. – There should be an expectation that the Norwegian authorities follow up on this. So that we know we have enough narrow-spectrum antibiotics. Still sufficient quantities The Norwegian Medicines Agency has reported the shortage situation on its pages. Senior doctor Ingrid Aas says that she is well aware that there is a shortage of antibiotics, and especially of the types that are suitable for children. Senior physician in the Norwegian Medicines Agency, Ingrid Aas. Photo: Caroline Roka / Statens Legemiddelverk – We have therefore allowed the sale of foreign packs, but access to these may also be limited. We follow the situation closely and do what we can via both wholesalers and companies, she explains. According to Aas, they still have sufficient quantities of penicillin suitable for children in stock, but if the shortage were to become extensive, they would have to use other types. – These are more broad-spectrum alternatives that we initially do not want to use against scarlet fever, she says. She says that they expect to be replenished with the type that is currently in short supply in January 2023. Wants production in Norway Teigen Hauge refers to a report from the Directorate of Health which states that it is possible to establish antibiotic production in Norway. – The establishment of such production will be important, both in the short and long term. It will be shooting ourselves in the foot if we replace the cheap, narrow-spectrum antibiotics with other antibiotics that increase the risk of developing resistance. – But since it is possible to make it here, why isn’t it already done? – That is a very good question. I hope those who have decision-making authority follow up on what the Norwegian Directorate of Health has said about the establishment of such pharmaceutical production. Expensive to produce State Secretary in the Ministry of Health and Care, Karl Kristian Bekeng, explains that antibiotic production in Norway will be expensive, and difficult to implement legally. But he says that the Directorate of Health’s study also points to other possible measures. He highlights the strengthening of drug preparedness and cooperation with other countries as examples. State Secretary in the Ministry of Health and Care, Karl Kristian Bekeng. Photo: Esten Borgos / Borgos Foto AS – Access to medicines and vaccines is going to be an important part of the Health Preparedness Report we will present to the Storting next year, says Bekeng. Bekeng says that Norway has systems to secure medicines if there are shortages. – But there is a shortage of penicillin now? – We have a good overview of the stock status now, and can take measures if necessary. We have recently sent a proposal out for consultation for a drug tolerance warehouse. We will also set up a national medicines preparedness council led by the Directorate of Health. Need to get the medicine out In Molde, work is still being done to get an overview of the extent of scarlet fever. Teigen Hauge says that new reports about individual cases are constantly coming in. – So if there is liquid penicillin in a warehouse somewhere, then it must get out to the users, concludes Teigen Hauge. Outbreaks of scarlet fever have led to increased demand for antibiotics suitable for children. One of the symptoms is such a red tongue. Photo: Alamy Stock Photo
