Lack of an overview of the situation in Norwegian nursing homes – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

On Wednesday, news revealed that in more than half of 200 complaints from relatives in Norwegian nursing homes in the years 2021 to 2022, the nursing homes broke the law. Research manager Geir Selbæk, at the National Center for Aging and Health, believes we know too little about what happens in nursing homes in Norway. – First of all, I think we should have better monitoring of what is happening. Strictly speaking, we don’t know much about the situation in nursing homes, he says. He says that in hospitals there is close evaluation of what is being done. It is something that is needed more in nursing homes, according to Selbæk. – I also think we have to focus on management, on culture, competence, and in addition we have to make sure that there are enough resources. Problematic use of medication Halvor Goderstad died after the nursing home in Tvedestrand initiated final, palliative medication for the 82-year-old. Nothing indicated that he was dying, and Goderstad’s family say they were not informed of the nursing home’s decision. The state administrator concluded that the nursing home violated the Health and Care Services Act. – In general, there is a problem with drug use. I don’t know what kind of illness this person here had, but many people in Norwegian nursing homes have dementia, says Selbæk. In cases where the patient has dementia, Selbæk says that the next of kin are an important resource who must always be informed when medication is changed. – Relatives are perhaps the most important resource and we have to invest a lot in being on a team with relatives, and being able to use them in the best possible way to provide good care for the nursing home patient. Shocking spokesperson for health policy in the Conservative Party, Tone Wilhelmsen Trøen, is saddened to hear what the Goderstad family has experienced. – It hurts to hear that relatives are put completely on the sidelines and that you are not taken seriously. Here are examples of the complaints submitted by relatives in 2021 and 2022: Fall injury at a nursing home in Alta In Alta, a resident was left on the toilet in a wheelchair. When staff did not come, the resident tried to get up to go to the toilet – but fell. The resident later died from his injuries. No risk plan was drawn up, and no record was made that the fall had occurred. Relatives did not receive good enough information about events, which they were visiting on the same day. Resident in Kristiansand fell – was not registered in the record Resident at a nursing home in Kristiansand fell, but this was not registered in the record or the deviation system by a nurse. There was no information on how to proceed from the evening shift to the night shift, which meant that the resident was not sent for an X-ray and treatment given. The resident was instead left with a fractured femoral neck for two days. Resident received medication for delirium instead of increased staffing Resident with delirium in connection with dementia was treated with medication to avoid anxiety. The complainant believed that many drugs were the causes of the resident’s symptoms. The medication was discontinued and the resident showed improvement. The state administrator believes the nursing home did not provide proper health care by replacing the need for increased staffing with medication, which worsened the resident’s condition. The state administrator thought this was probably not the only example in the municipality. Resident lay with a femoral neck fracture for 16 days Resident in Karmøyfalt and suffered a femoral neck fracture. This was only discovered after 16 days. From the time the patient fell until the fracture of the femoral neck is detected, it is described daily, often several times a day, in the record that the resident expresses pain and uneasiness when being cared for, touched and changing position. Trøen says that it is demanding to be a relative in Norwegian health services today. – That half the complaints turn out to be offenses is simply shocking, and I am also very concerned that there are dark figures here. Not everyone complains, which is also a strain. We must do more in this area and take relatives seriously. Health policy spokesperson in the Conservative Party, Tone Wilhelmsen Trøen, says she gets sick of hearing about what Halvor Goderstad’s family has experienced. Photo: Martin Fønnebø / news She adds that it is necessary to secure skilled health personnel in the health services. – We have to build that competence every day and have to ensure that the health personnel we have educate themselves and further their education. They must enjoy their job and want to be there.
