Kurdish Alan (37) was arrested after the demonstration – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

Alan Xas (37) is one of those who was arrested. He tells news that it is unfair that he was arrested for demonstrating. – We Kurds are a nation no one supports. There are strong emotions involved. We don’t mind that we were arrested for protesting. We only want to show our support for those who are killed, says Xas. He says that Iran’s drone attacks in northern Iraq are one of the reasons why he participated in the demonstration outside the embassy. – We want freedom and democracy for our country. People are angry with the Iranian regime. He had a poster with the text “Women, life, freedom”. Several protesters attack a car in front of the embassy door. Afterwards, protesters are shown shouting woman, live and freedom. Finally, peaceful protesters who are hit by police tear gas. Two minor injuries Just before 2 p.m., the demonstrators began to become more aggressive. Several tried to get into the embassy building. Some also started throwing stones at the embassy. The police used tear gas to control the protesters. At least two people are slightly injured after inhaling tear gas. Protesters are arrested outside Iran’s embassy in Oslo. 85 people were arrested. Nine of these have been arrested for damage to the embassy grounds and/or violence against the police. Around 19:00 Xas was released from the police station. According to him, everyone was gathered in a large room. One by one must have been taken out to talk to the police. – They have ordered us not to go closer than 300 meters away from the embassy for the next 48 hours, says Xas. Alan Xas (centre) after they were released. Salim Salimi was released by the police. Muzhdeh Chawouski was released by the police. New demonstration There was also a demonstration outside the embassy at 17:00. According to news’s ​​reporter at the scene, it went smoothly. This demonstration was announced in advance, unlike the one that was organized on Thursday morning. Lana Yar attended the demonstration. Photo: PHOTO: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news Lana Yar attended the demonstration to show her support for Kurds and Iranians. – We are here because we are against the Iranian regime. People have been oppressed for far too long. We want to be heard, says Yar. – It is a shame that people threw stones and tried to get into the embassy, ​​but what we notice is that it was what was needed for the Norwegian media to take up this case. Unfortunately. news has not succeeded in getting in touch with the Iranian embassy. Nine killed in Iranian drone attack At least nine people were killed in a drone attack on Wednesday after Iran started a new bombing campaign against the Iranian-Kurdish opposition group KDPI in northern Iraq, AP reports. Iranian authorities confirm that a “separatist group in northern Iraq” was attacked with “precision missiles” and so-called suicide drones. At least 32 people were injured in the attack on a base in Koya, which is a city in the Kurdistan region in northern Iraq. There have been three attacks in the past five days against the Kurdish separatist groups in northern Iraq, according to the Iranian news agency Tasnim. Strong reactions Last week several hundred people gathered in Bergen and Oslo to demonstrate for women’s rights in Iran. There have been strong international reactions after at least 50 people are said to have been killed in riots in Iran in the past week. Amnesty International is calling for an international investigation into the deaths. – Tens of people, including children, have been killed so far and several hundred have been injured, says General Secretary Agnès Callamard in a statement. The demonstrations broke out after 22-year-old Mahsa Amini died in the custody of the morality police around two weeks ago. Amini was taken into custody because she allegedly wore her hijab incorrectly. Mani Avrin demonstrates. Photo: PHOTO: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news Mani Avrin participated in the demonstration, among other things, to show support for the Kurdish woman Amini. – Our people, the Kurdish nation, condemn the Iranian state; the terrorist state. Iran is terrorizing Kurdish freedom fighters and bombing civilians. There is a war going on right now, says Avrin. – Anyone can attack and oppress us. We want sovereignty and independence. The only thing that can protect us is sovereignty. The police moved out with many crews. Photo: Ismail Burak Akkan / news
