KS and the Education Association agree on 520 million teachers – news Vestland

3 March 2023 at 13:50 KS and Uddanningsforbundet agree on 520 million teachers The Uddanningsforbundet and KS have agreed that municipalities can now give local supplements to teachers. The municipalities have saved NOK 520 million because teachers did not get a pay week from 1 June, but rather from the strike ending on 27 September. Several politicians have wanted to give the half a million back to the teachers, but KS (the interest and employer organization of the municipalities) has thought that this breaks the main agreement and is therefore illegal. The education union believed that KS interpreted the agreement squarely and that it was entirely possible for the municipalities to use the money to give local supplements to teachers. This led to great confusion in several municipalities, but now the parties have come to an agreement. – I am glad that local politicians reacted and wanted to do something about the unreasonable “punishment” which caused teachers and kindergarten teachers a loss of thousands of kroner, says Aina Skjefstad Andersen, head of negotiations at the Education Association. She thinks it shows that they take their role as an employer seriously.
