Kristoffer Ingebrigtsen’s accusations against Gjert Ingebrigtsen are part of the police investigation – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

Yesterday Aftenposten published a long report in which the eldest of the Ingebrigtsen brothers, Kristoffer, shares his story. He describes a childhood characterized by violence and fear under his father Gjert Ingebrigtsen’s upbringing. news has been in contact with the defenders of Gjert Ingebrigtsen. John Christian Elden and Heidi Reisvang say that he denies any criminal behavior towards his children. The defenders remind that Gjert is charged with mistreatment of one of his children and that the police are investigating a relationship with Jakob Asserson Ingebrigtsen. Kristoffer Ingebrigtsen, on the other hand, describes several episodes of physical and psychological abuse from his father, which he claims went on throughout his upbringing. – He was very good at taking each one of us if there was something or other. To be alone with a grown man who screams and threatens things right in your face… It’s very scary, says Kristoffer to Aftenposten. The police: – No new information Police inspector Terese braut Våge in the Sør-West police district, says they have read the case to Aftenposten. – What appears in the article is not new information for us. All information that comes to us during the investigation will be included in the assessment of the case. The police do not want to go into which witnesses have been questioned and what they have explained. Police inspector in the South-West police district, Terese Braut Våge. Photo: Thomas Ystrøm / news Prosecuted for abuse Last year, the Ingebrigtsen brothers, Henrik, Filip and Jakob, wrote a column in VG in which they told their story about growing up with Gjert Ingebrigtsen (external link). In April, Gjert Ingebrigtsen was charged with mistreatment of one of his children. The police then dropped the cases from several of the other children. Three of the children complained about the suspension. Jakob Asserson Ingebrigtsen’s complaint was upheld in July. That means this case is open and under investigation. Brothers Filip, Jakob and Henrik wrote a column in VG last year where they told their story about growing up with Gjert Ingebrigtsen. Photo: Lise Åserud – It is important for him to get his story out Mette Yvonne Larsen is legal aid to five of the children, including Kristoffer. She says it was important for Kristoffer to get his story out. – This has been a dialogue between me and Kristoffer and he has found it right to tell about his upbringing. Larsen states that all the siblings have read through the report in Aftenposten before it was published. – They stand behind it. The siblings have experienced getting questions about whether growing up with Gjert can be as serious as it sounds. That’s why she says Kristoffer thinks it’s good to be told his own story to escape the guilt you usually have as a child in this type of matter. Counsel for five of Gjert Ingebrigtsen’s children, Mette Yvonne Larsen. Photo: Magnus Skatvedt Iversen / news Will not comment Espen Skoland is an adviser to the Ingebrigtsen brothers Henrik, Filip and Jakob. He tells news that they have so far said what they want to say about this matter. – Jakob, Filip and Henrik are very understanding that Kristoffer now wants to go public with his story. They were informed of this in advance and fully respect his wish. They do not want to comment on this case beyond that, says Skoland. One of Gjert Ingebrigtsen’s children, Martin Ingebrigtsen, has previously stated in a chronicle that he has never feared his father (external link). Lawyer Stian Kristensen represents Martin Ingebrigtsen. – My client does not want to comment on the interview with his brother in Aftenposten. He has given his explanation to the police, and does not want to give any further explanation to the press beyond that explanation there, he says to news. Gjert’s defenders: – He is almost without justice Gjert Ingebrigtsen’s defenders, John Christian Elden and Heidi Reisvang, tell news that Gjert denies any criminal behavior towards his children. He expects a fair treatment when the case comes before a court. – We are surprised that the aggrieved parties in this case repeatedly used the media as a platform rather than giving the police and prosecution the opportunity to ensure a fair trial for all parties concerned, say the defenders. Gjert Ingebrigtsen’s defenders: John Christian Elden and Heidi Reisvang. Photo: Tordis Gauteplass The defenders remind that Gjert is now only charged with mistreatment of one of his children and that the police are investigating a relationship with Jakob Asserson Ingebrigtsen. – Other circumstances have been fully investigated and dismissed by the prosecution. This also applies to the circumstances that Kristoffer Ingebrigtsen has explained to the police about, which he is now again speaking to the media about. Elden and Reisvang react to Aftenposten relaying allegations of serious matters which the police have investigated and dismissed. – This makes Gjert Ingebrigtsen almost without rights. Everyone has the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty, they say. news has presented this criticism to Aftenposten. Chief of staff, Morten Andersen, says the following about the newspaper’s assessments for publishing the interview: – The case of Kristoffer Ingebrigtsen has been dropped because it is out of date. We mention it because it contains information that sheds light on a matter of great public interest, and because it is very relevant in light of the upcoming trial against Gjert Ingebrigtsen. Charged on seven counts Gjert Ingebrigtsen is charged on seven counts for breaching section 282 of the Criminal Code, which applies to abuse in close relationships, against one of the victims in the case. It must be a question of either repeated or serious mistreatment. The case is still under investigation. – All the children in the family have the status of victimized in the case, and all victims in the case have been heard, says police inspector Våge. Published 04/09/2024, at 18.12
