Kristina directed the traffic on the E6 in Grong alone for four hours after the trailer saksa – news Trøndelag

On Saturday morning, Kristina Elisabeth Nødseth Kristoffersen and a colleague were on their way south from Mo i Rana along the E6. It was nice winter weather mostly all the way up to Seterhaugen in Grong. – We tested the brakes several times, and the ride was fine. But suddenly it was very slippery in a corner, and my colleague cut and drove out, says Kristoffersen. The colleague received minor injuries and the vehicle blocked parts of the road. Kristina slipped and fell when she got out of her own car to help her colleague, and called Vegtrafikksentralen to ask for help. – There was not a grain of sand to be seen on the E6, and I asked the Swedish Traffic Agency to close the road because of the accident. I was afraid someone would drive into my colleague’s car, she says. After three hours, a tow truck arrived and towed the vehicle up the E6 again. Photo: Kjetil Langeng Help did not come until three hours later. According to Kristoffersen, the operator at the Traffic Center said that they should call out both the street car, the police, an ambulance and traffic controllers to help at the scene. – This is an unplanned, sharp bend between Trones and Harran. I thought he had to be secured to prevent another accident. That’s why I stood up and started directing the traffic myself. But actually I should have taken care of my colleague after the outing, says Kristoffersen. Kristoffersen was helped by a female colleague to direct the traffic for a few hours, before she drove on. But the hours passed without more professional help coming. . – I called the first time at 11.06 a.m. to Vegtrafikksentralen. I also called the police, but neither they nor the paramedics turned up, she says. – After three hours, a tow truck came and got the lorry up. Then even the injured driver had to line up to direct traffic on the E6 for half an hour. When the traffic conductors finally appeared, we were about to move on. – Too bad Only after about four hours were Kristoffersen and the unlucky colleague able to drive further south along the E6. – I have not taken a course in traffic management, but stood alone in a work jacket and at a warning triangle on the E6 in the middle of Norway for four hours. It shouldn’t be like this. Kristoffersen says she was always in contact with the Road Traffic Center during these hours. – And the message was the whole time that help was just around the corner. The tow truck came after three hours, and the traffic controllers came over four hours after I called the first time. I think it’s too bad, says the driver. Stop calling out The police confirm that they received a report about the incident just before 11 o’clock on Saturday. Then a patrol started to respond to the city. The patrol was over an hour away, which was considered to be a long response time. The operations center was informed that the accident had occurred because it was slippery at the site and that there was no question of significant personal injury. In addition, the police had received a report that the contractor was on his way. – Then you expect a contractor to be on site and that you will both sprinkle and take care of that routing if necessary, says police inspector Svenn Ingar Viken to news. Thus, it was considered to be disproportionate to travel out. A while later, Kristiansen purred at the contractor and it became clear that help was two hours away. – If the operations manager had perceived that there was a continuous need for routing, then the operations manager should probably have sent the patrol all the way forward to take the routing until the contractor was in place. This with the delay that the police patrol has been given another assignment, which has been given a higher priority, he says. Regrets the situation – It is unfortunate that a private road user is left directing traffic for such a long time, regardless of whether it is the contractor who should have arrived earlier, or whether it is the police who should have driven forward and taken over the direction until further notice, Viken wins. – We have to apologize for that on behalf of the road user, he adds. news has been in contact with the Road Traffic Center, which refers to the Norwegian Road Administration. – We are in dialogue with the contractor to clarify what has happened, and have requested documentation. It should of course not be the case that a private person should end up in such a situation. This matter will be followed up on our side. This is what the section manager for operation and maintenance in the Norwegian Road Administration wrote in an e-mail to news.
