Kristin Harila steps down on the climb – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

In an earlier version of the case, news wrote that Kristin Harila gives herself up to climbing. This has now been changed so that she indulges in the most extreme version of rock climbing. Harila, who comes from Vadsø in Finnmark, took the record in July when she reached the top of K2, the world’s second highest mountain. In total, she spent just 92 days climbing all 14 mountains above 8,000 meters. RECORD HOLDER: Harila, together with Sherpa Lama, spent just 92 days climbing all 14 mountains above 8,000 meters Photo: Eivind Aabakken / news Now, however, she has finished the most extreme form of mountain climbing. – It’s not that I’m not going on a mountain again, but I’m done with the 8,000 metres, says Harila to news. Fri Flyt was the first to address the matter. On to new projects On Wednesday, Kristin Harila (37) visited Alta to give a lecture at the LINK conference. There she also revealed her climbing future for Kronstadposten. – There are many other things in life that I want to do, she tells news. Now Harila will give lectures, publish a book and make a film. She also works on other projects. – I am working on other projects that mean that I will be on the mountain, but in a different way than climbing 8,000 meters in the fastest possible time, she says. She will also spend her time in the future together with her boyfriend and outdoorsman Jens Kvernmo. BOYFRIEND: Harila will, among other things, spend her future time with her boyfriend Jens Kvernmo. Photo: Matias Myklebust / Field Productions The mountaineer makes no secret of the fact that she will miss the expeditions she has taken part in in recent years: – I will miss the environment and the expedition bubble that you come in. Set many records Just a few weeks ago Harila set many records, most together with Sherpa Lama. While the previous record for climbing all 14 mountains in the world over 8,000 meters was six months and six days, Kristin and Lama managed this in just three months and one day. – The team was extremely skilled and I had a very, very good sherpa – who shares the record with me. He was extremely good to work with, I just have to say that, says Kristin. The record ascents nevertheless gave Harila an aftertaste, when a 27-year-old Pakistani climber lost his life while they were on their way up K2. Harila and her team were subsequently accused of leaving the climber helpless. SATISFIED: Harila is satisfied with her own performance when she now puts the most extreme climbing trips on the shelf. Photo: NTB Harila says that you have to be very motivated to undertake such trips, because they require “extremely much”. – It’s not just the physical challenge, but you have to raise money and you have to be away for a long time, she says. The ambitious mountain climber from Finnmark has climbed the 14 peaks above 8,000 meters twice. So she has 28 trips under her belt when she now gives up. – There are not many people in the world who have more than 28 trips, so I am very happy with that, says Harila.
