Kristin Clemet believes email from incompetent KrF politician is inside – news Trøndelag

Local democracy researcher Gro Sandkjær Hanssen has called for a larger debate about mixing roles in local politics, and this has created commitment. Hanssen came up with the plan after seeing an e-mail sent by KrF politician Magne Nydal to the head of the planning committee in Levanger municipality. Nydal is both a local politician and head of a large construction company in the municipality. The email started with “I know I’m incompetent”, before he explained how he looked at a case that his company was involved in. Nydal owns 62 percent of the company and is the general manager. He himself believes that the e-mail was not an attempt to influence, but that he wanted to avoid a “third round” of processing the building case. – I did not send it as a politician, but as Magne Nydal, a carpenter. It was simply a factual statement, he has previously stated to news. Although Nydal and the municipal management believe that the e-mail is unproblematic, the democracy researcher believes that it can be interpreted as an attempt to influence the outcome of the case, and says this is unfortunate for trust in local politicians. That causes former Conservative cabinet minister Kristin Clemet to react. She is the general manager of the bourgeois and liberal think tank Civita. In a blog post, Clemet writes that the researcher himself contributes to weakening trust in politicians. – She says that he has behaved in an untidy manner, and that this can strengthen his contempt for politicians. Here I believe that it is almost the opposite, says Clemet to news. – Has acted orderly Clemet points out that politicians are exposed to a lot of criticism, and that something is deserved. But in this case, she thinks it’s wrong. – Here it is simply someone who has followed the rules to the letter, as it appears. It deserves no criticism, she says. Clemet emphasizes that there is nothing suspicious, criminal or strange about being incompetent. – It is simply a matter of following the provisions of the Public Administration Act. She is clear that the e-mail from the KrF politician is unproblematic. – Being disabled does not mean that you are deprived of other civil rights. One can read this email as showing that he is biased and that he wants a certain outcome. That is precisely why he has declared himself incompetent, and is not participating in the processing of the case. Clemet believes that the statements made by democracy researcher Gro Sandkjær Hanssen in the case are unfortunate, and that the KrF politician has not mixed roles. – As I understand the case, and news has presented the case, it looks like this politician has acted completely orderly. The Civita manager receives support from lawyer Lars Selmar Alsaker. He is specialized in public law and administrative law, and is on the electoral list for Bergen Høyre. Alsaker believes that the KrF politician took off his politician’s hat when he declared himself incompetent, and does not agree with the researcher’s criticism. – What is special about the criticism is that the politician did exactly what the regulations say you should do; namely resign as incompetent. Then he has done what he has to, and must of course be allowed to safeguard his party rights like all other citizens. If so, what would the alternative be? Should he fail to look after the company’s stakeholder interests? Should politicians lose the opportunity to exercise ordinary rights in matters that affect them? – Is it an unfortunate mix of roles, as you see it? – Not at all. When you resign as incompetent, you step out of your role as an exerciser of public authority. In that case, one must be able to fulfill the role of a party in the administrative case in the usual way. This is a storm in a glass, says Alsaker. – Uses his proximity Professor of public law at the University of Oslo, Ole Kristian Fauchald, tells news that, contrary to what the KrF politician claims, the e-mail was more than a “fact statement”. – It contains clear calls to settle the case in his favour, says Fauchald. He believes that what makes the case untidy is that the politician exploits his proximity to the decision-makers in an attempt to get a positive outcome in the case. – He has a position and opportunity to influence that very few others have, and thus the risk of discrimination is high. He has a position of trust, and must use it to promote values ​​and positions on behalf of those who have voted for his party. Here he uses the position he has by virtue of his position of trust to influence the processing of an application in which he has strong interests, says Fauchald. KrF politician Magne Nydal has been made aware of the criticism from Professor Ole Kristian Fauchald, but has not wished to comment further on the matter. Want more discussion Gro Sandkjær Hanssen is a researcher at the Urban and Regional Research Institute at Oslo Met. Photo: Tom Balgaard / news Researcher Gro Sandkjær Hanssen points out that this case has created a discussion about where the border is, in line with her intention. Clemet points out, among other things, that the e-mail is not problematic, because Magne Nydal has declared himself ineligible. – Even if he is legally allowed to do so, my point has been that this type of e-mail can help to cast doubt on the citizens’ ability to separate the role you have as a developer and the role as an elected representative, says Hanssen. She wants there to be more discussion about this, especially locally in each municipality. Hanssen believes it is necessary so that there is no doubt that it is common interests, and not personal interests, that the elected representatives work for. She believes such e-mails can help cast doubt that the roles are separate. – My point is to point out the importance of being conscious, that you separate these two roles when you have the role of developer and elected representative. And that is because, as a researcher on land and development matters, I see that it is extra important to avoid mixing roles in this type of matter. According to Hanssen, local authorities have great power to make decisions that can provide financial gain for real estate and development players. Hi! Do you have any input for us after reading this case? Please contact.
