Kristian Bye Olsen shares his story about suicidal thoughts – news Østfold – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: Kristian Bye Olsen tried to commit suicide in 2022, but was saved by an attentive stranger. June is the month to draw attention to men’s mental health. In 2023, there were 693 suicides in Norway, and 70 percent were men. The county leader of LEVE Østfold, Janne Gundersen, wants more transparency around suicide and attempted suicide. Personal trainer Glenn Ellingsen suggests making men’s mental health more visible in society, including with a separate sign or colour. Kristian used to hide hurt feelings with humor and a smile. But now have methods to deal with bad feelings. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – There were always things around me that scared me and feelings I couldn’t really feel. A sadness at feeling alone, even though you know you are not. This is how Kristian Bye Olsen felt in 2022. For one month he had suicidal thoughts. But an observant stranger changed everything. – Amazing to hear One September day two years ago, Olsen wanted to be alone. He took the scooter and drove to a deserted place. There he was met by a group of boys who were on a trip. Kristian explained to the boys that he was alone to find ideas for new music. After a short chat, the group of friends left. But one of the boys didn’t buy Olsen’s story and went back. – He said he understood what was going on and that he understood that it was tiring, but that it would eventually go well, says Olsen. – It sounds strange, but after that I didn’t want to do it. It was amazing to hear that from a completely random person. Olsen has previously told his story to Akershus Amstidende. Need someone to talk to? Mental Health, 116 123 (also offers chat) Kirkens SOS, 22 40 00 40 (also offers chat) National association for relatives in mental health counseling telephone, 22 49 19 22 LEVE (national association for survivors of suicide), 22 36 17 00 Separate month for men’s mental health In 2023, 693 committed suicide in Norway. 70 percent were men, according to FHI. To put extra focus on public mental health, World Mental Health Day is marked on 10 October. In the US, it has become a trend to highlight men’s mental health in June. The celebration is called Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month. Janne Gundersen is county manager for LEVE Østfold. She believes February or March would have been a perfect time to highlight men’s mental health in Norway. LEFT BEYOND: Janne Gundersen himself has lost his brother and father to suicide. Through LEVE, she works to strengthen mental health. Photo: Maria Johannessen / news – Then you can have measures for the boys in school and kindergarten, so that it will be easier to talk about difficult things outside the home, says Gundersen. As a child, Olsen spoke little about feelings. Childhood was characterized by bullying and unpleasant episodes. He used laughter and humor as a shield. – And then I came home. Then I realized how much it hurt. Kristian Bye Olsen often smiled in his childhood, even when he wasn’t feeling well. Photo: Kristian Bye Olsen / Private After the September day two years ago, Olsen has thought a lot. Now he has found his method to cope with the thoughts better. He writes them down, either in one script, on his mobile phone or talks to someone. Better visibility Glenn Ellingsen is a personal trainer and active on social media. He believes it is more popular to promote men’s mental health abroad than in Norway, as they are now doing in the USA. – We have expertise, we have a lot of money. But it is not used, says Ellingsen. THE MIND TRAINER: Ellingsen is active on social media under the name “mind trainer”. Photo: Maria Johannessen / news In 2023, Ellingsen posted a video on tiktok. There he shared his frustration that “Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month” is not widely discussed in Norway. Photo: Maria Johannessen / news He believes men’s mental health deserves as much attention as other markings. – Get it in newspapers, get it on TV, feel free to take the train. There should be a separate color that can be associated with men’s mental health. If you hear it enough times, you think about it, all year round. – Maybe I should start with that? A peace sign to all the men I see, to say “I care about your health”, he adds. What do you think, should men’s mental health be markedly better? Yes, both your own color and sign sound great✌💜💙 Yes, but maybe in a different way 😌 It’s fine with a joint marking 10 October🌍 Show result Kristian Bye Olsen agrees that more focus needs to be put on the theme. The 20-year-old believes the best solution is one specific colour. – Peace signs are both widespread and significant, so that would have been nice. But color is best. Maybe blue or purple. Published 25.06.2024, at 12.13
