Kristian Blummenfelt competed with the national team in triathlon – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

The Norwegian won a strong Olympic gold in Tokyo. Then it happened with the union. – After Tokyo, I didn’t get a place in the national team, and then I didn’t get any real offer in 2023. Then it’s better to stand on the outside and work with the team I have, says Blummenfelt to news. The Norwegian meets news in Bergen, and is clearly affected by talking about the national team conflict, but repeats several times: – It is a choice they have made. – They have made the choice and not dive? – Yes, I would like to be part of the national team further. GOLD: Kristian Blummenfelt won gold in Tokyo and cheered uncontrollably when he crossed the finish line. Photo: LOIC VENANCE / AFP Will Kristian Blummenfelt win Olympic gold in Paris? Yes No, but there will be a medal No Show result The association: He received an offer Blummenfelt meets news in connection with a training session in Bergen. Together with training partner Gustav Iden and coach Olav Aleksander Bu, he has put together a plan that will get Blummenfelt Olympic-ready on the side of the national team. – We did not receive any real offer from the confederation and national team. – Is it the financial aspect? – No, not really. Or… The association thinks they are entitled to 40 per cent of our private agreements, but I guess we disagree there, says Blummenfelt. – Kristian has received a real offer for a place in the national team in 2023 and we negotiated this agreement for a long time. He also received an invitation for 2024, but then I understood that only a representation agreement was relevant for him, writes Secretary General of the Norwegian Triathlon Association Gabrielle Bjørnstad-Northern in an e-mail to news. – Shouldn’t sit at the same table Sports manager Arild Tveiten says to news that he finds it hurtful and would have liked to have continued with Blummenfelt on the national team. There was a “vacuum” – Is there any collaboration there and are you trying to get him back? – Basically not. We work together well and have a good dialogue, but we do not work together on training and do not train together. We are often in the same places at training camp, and we socialize and are together, but I have done quite a bit of training lately. – I don’t think they feel any vacuum. They are probably satisfied with having us on the outside. – Why is that? – It is a choice they have made, so they must stand for what they do. SPLIT: Sports director Arild Tveiten and Kristian Blummenfelt, pictured here in Rio in 2016. Photo: Erik Johansen / NTB The national team often gathers in the same place as Blummenfelt, but the latter says that the dialogue is not everything. – They actually have guidelines that they should not train or sit at the table with us. We are outside, training and doing our thing. There have been two different groups since Tokyo, says Blummenfelt. Tveiten flatly rejects the claims from the triathlon star from Bergen. – I can say with one hundred percent certainty that it is not true. Everyone on the national team can confirm that this is not true, replies the sports director. Blummenfelt’s coach, Ole Aleksander Bu, fears the noise could have sporting consequences. – It’s not ideal. Going for a medal in the Olympics is something that requires enormous dedication. We know that things are not only about the physiological, it is also about the psychological. If you have things that create a little extra stress in your life, it helps to go beyond your achievements, says Bu. The association rejects the claim – Our goal is to reach an agreement on agreements that are balanced in terms of rights and duties, and to safeguard the Norwegian national team model, including managing the commercial rights in a way that safeguards the balance between the community’s interests and the individual athlete. There was no demand for 40 per cent of his private contracts, says secretary general Gabrielle Bjørnstad-Northern. She says that it is a pity that Blummenfelt has not felt wanted in the national team. In Paris, Norway is qualified to run the mixed relay. Then Blummenfelt will run with three athletes from the national team. Casper Stornes was on the Norwegian team that secured the Olympic place, but was scrapped as Norway only had two quota places. THREE OF FOUR TO THE OLYMPICS: Casper Stornes (number two from the left) is not going to the Olympics. It will be Vetle Thorn (left), Lotte Miller and Solveig Løvseth. Photo: Mikal Iden/Norwegian Sports Confederation / Mikal Iden/Norwegian Sports Confederation – It’s a mixed feeling. Casper worked all the way in to try to qualify the team. It is a little sad that he is not with us further. But all the talk I have with Kristian shows that he is very excited about the relay, says sports manager Arild Tveiten. – It will be nice to be able to drive twice in the Olympics. Nevertheless, I think it could increase the medal chances quite a lot if it had been worked in a different way in the last three years. – What do you feel is missing? What should have been done? – I guess it’s the integrity around the team and … yes. – Would you like to elaborate? – No. Germany ravaged – this horror tackle created reactions 03:13 This is where Jakob’s phantom career started 00:51 Bought an autograph for NOK 10,000 01:08 Everyone is fooled with this celebration 00:54 Show more Published 15.06.2024, at 13.24
