Kristersson has been given the task of forming a new Swedish government – Latest news – news

19 September 2022 at 14:41 Kristersson has been given the task of forming a new Swedish government The leader of the Moderates, Ulf Kristersson, has been given the task of forming a new Swedish government on Monday, writes SVT. The speaker of the Riksdag, Andreas Norlén, stated this at a press conference. He says the decision was easy to make. – The parties that represent the majority of the mandates in the new Riksdag, which gathers next week, have pointed to Ulf Kristersson as a suitable probing person, says Norén. It is the Speaker who decides who will be given the government assignment, and how long the deadline for that person will be. He has not set a deadline for when Kristersson will reach his goal with a new right-wing government. He believes that must be the task of his successor when the new Riksdag convenes next week.
