KrF summits in Agder open for leadership positions – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

– In the phase we are in now, I do not want to reject being either leader or deputy leader. This is what Jørgen Kristiansen, deputy representative to the Storting for KrF in Agder, says to news. – But I have thought that if that question comes up, I will answer the nomination committee directly, he adds. Until now, there has been no one who has raised their hand and said that they want to take on leadership positions after the dramatic departure of KrF leader Olaug Bollestad on 22 August. – Prepared to take responsibility Kristiansen is also not the only one from his county who is now making himself available. Jorunn Gleditsch Lossius has previously been a parliamentary representative for KrF. She is challenging Kristiansen for the relatively secure parliamentary seat from Agder. Last year, Lossius lost his place as the party’s deputy leader to Ida Lindtveit Røse. Now she can once again be a relevant candidate. – If I should be lucky enough to get a place in the Storting from Agder, I am prepared to take responsibility when it comes to the party in one role or another. Jorunn Gleditsch Lossius is fighting for the place as KrF’s parliamentary representative from Agder. Photo: Leif Dalen – If it is desirable, and if we see that it will be necessary, she adds. “Nobody” wants to be leader Bollestad’s departure leaves the election committee with a demanding job. Several have already rejected that they want to take on a leadership position in the party. Deputy leader and acting leader of KrF, Dag-Inge Ulstein, has said that he rules out running for party leader and will not seek re-election to the Storting. Kjell Ingolf Ropstad, who was party leader from 2019 to 2021, has said that he is not ready to take on the responsibility. According to news’s ​​knowledge, party veteran Hans Olav Syversen is not currently in the leadership either. Deputy leader Ida Lindtveit Røse has not decided whether she will continue to hold leadership positions. Reid Ivar Dahl has a leadership solitaire to add. Photo: Eirik Gjesdal / news Today the party has three representatives in the Storting. These are from Agder, Rogaland and Hordaland. Reid Ivar B. Dahl, head of KrF’s election committee, says it is natural to look to the top of the list in Agder and other of the safest election districts for KrF when a new party leadership is to be put together. – It is about ensuring a good link between the future parliamentary group and the future party leadership, he explains. He says the election committee has an ongoing dialogue with various candidates. – But now we will hear what the county teams think in the first consultation round. It will be an important input for the dialogue with the various candidates. The leadership cabal should be ready at the beginning of January, in good time before the extraordinary national meeting of KrF. Published 03/09/2024, at 20.34
