KrF leaves the city council in Bergen – news Vestland

It was Bergens Tidende that first reported on the case. news also learns that KrF is stepping down from the city council with immediate effect on Monday. KrF in Bergen calls for a press conference outside the town hall in Bergen at 10.00. It will be about “the party’s role in city council cooperation”. Group leader Håkon Pettersen for KrF in the city council presents with health councilor Beate Husa. City council representative Joel Ystebø will also be present. The city council in Bergen has consisted of a minority city council with the Labor Party, Green Party, Venstre and KrF. BIGGER MINORITY: City council leader Roger Valhammer (Ap) has governed a minority city council since 2019. Now the city council is getting a lot poorer. Photo: Linnea Skare Oskarsen / news Meetings on Sunday evening According to Bergens Tidende, parties held meetings on Sunday evening. Here there must be broad agreement to withdraw from the city council. After that, they must have informed city council leader Roger Valhammer (Ap) about the decision. Earlier this summer, both KrF and Venstre opened up to working with Høgre after the local elections next autumn.
