KrF announces battle: – Very radical proposal – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

In July last year, the government set up a committee to look at the provisions of the Abortion Act, the follow-up of women who have an abortion, the current abortion boards and the organization of the provision. The report arrived today. One of the points was the limit on the right to self-determined abortion. The committee’s majority recommended that the limit be moved from 12 to 18 weeks. When it came to the issue of reducing the number of fetuses, the committee was almost split down the middle, with a narrow majority believing that all applications for reducing the number of fetuses are processed by the abortion board. – Weakens protection for unborn life KrF leader Olaug Bollestad believes it is worrying that the abortion committee proposes free abortion up to the 18th week of pregnancy. – An extension of the limit for free abortion is a radical weakening of the legal protection for unborn life. It puts human dignity under greater pressure, says Bollestad. – KrF will not support such an extension, and we hope that everyone who agrees with us that the legal protection of the fetus should not be weakened will work to keep the current limit. Bollestad says she wants counseling and support for pregnant women to be strengthened. – Free abortion until week 18 is a very radical proposal, and something we will fight against, says the KrF leader. KrF leader Olaug Bollestad says KrF will fight against the proposal to the abortion committee. Photo: Frode Fjerdingstad / news – The committee is divided Center Party’s health policy spokesperson Lisa Marie Ness Klungland points out that the abortion committee is not unanimous in its recommendation to move the border. – The committee is divided from week 12 to week 22 when it comes to the limit for self-determined abortion, says Klungland in a comment. Of the 13 members, two believed that the limit of week 12 should be continued, while one member believed that the limit should be moved to week 22. – We have voted to continue the current abortion limit until week 12. So it is important to us that improves follow-up before, during and after an abortion, says Klungland. The Nurses’ Association: – Many good proposals Today’s abortion law Women in Norway can decide for themselves whether they want to have an abortion during the first twelve weeks of a pregnancy. After this, the woman must apply to have an abortion, and appear before a tribunal that decides this. An abortion board consists of two doctors. One of them must be employed at the department that performs abortions at the hospital. There are several conditions that allow a woman to have an abortion approved after the twelfth week. Among other things, if the pregnancy or caring for the child leads to an unreasonable burden on the child, it puts the woman in a difficult life situation, there is a great risk that the child may get a serious illness, if the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest, the pregnant woman is seriously mentally ill or severely mentally retarded. If the pregnancy is to be terminated after week 18, there must be “particularly weighty” reasons, for example that the mother’s life is in danger or that the fetus will not be able to survive. – We need a new abortion law. An abortion law for our time. A law which recognizes that women have the right to make independent choices. At the same time, the law must ensure the right to unborn life and the equality of human beings, committee leader Kari Sønderland opened on Thursday morning. The Norwegian Nurses’ Association is positive about the proposal. – The abortion committee has put forward many good proposals. It will strengthen the service offer for women seeking abortions and give us a more forward-looking abortion law. – This must now be followed up by the government and Storting, says leader Lill Sverresdatter Larsen of the Norwegian Nurses Association.
