Knocking sounds heard from missing submarine – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The US Coast Guard confirms what they describe as underwater sounds. An aircraft participating in the search for the missing Titan submarine picked up sounds that have caused the search to be moved to another area, the US Coast Guard reports. – Canadian P-3 aircraft picked up underwater sounds in the search area. As a result, the ROV operations were relocated in an attempt to investigate the origin of the sounds. Those searches have not yielded results, but continue, the coast guard tweeted on Wednesday. The missing submarine with five people on board. Photo: AP ROV is the abbreviation for a remotely controlled underwater vehicle. – In addition, the data from the P-3 aircraft has been shared with our experts in the US Navy for further analysis, which will be considered in future search plans, adds the US Coast Guard. Perceived as knocking sounds Several international media refer to the underwater sounds as knocking sounds. The sounds were heard at intervals of 30 minutes, writes The Rolling Stone. What are referred to as knocking sounds must have only been picked up on Tuesday in the area where the submarine, which was going to the wreck of the Titanic, disappeared. The Rolling Stone has seen an email with updates from the manhunt sent to the US Department of Homeland Security. It was a Canadian plane that first intercepted the yids with its equipment. The sounds were captured every 30 minutes. – Four hours later, extra sonar was deployed, and the knocking was still heard, the update states. It is not clear from the e-mail when the knocking was heard, or what is believed to have caused the knocking sounds. Unmanned submarine searches The mother ship lost contact with Titan an hour and 45 minutes into the dive on Sunday. In this area, in the north of the Atlantic Ocean off Newfoundland, an intense search and rescue operation is now underway. Boats and planes look to see if the submarine has surfaced somewhere. Sonars in the sea surface search the ocean by sending small sound signals and listening. British billionaire and adventurer Hamish Harding is one of the five aboard the Titan. Photo: AP A remote-controlled, unmanned submarine is now on its way down to the place where the last contact with Titan was, and further down towards the wreck of the Titanic. But this submarine cannot dive deeper than 3,000 meters, and the Titanic is 3,800 meters down. Help from Norway This submarine was sent down from the ship Deep Energy, which was built in Norway. The Norwegian supply ship Skandi Vinland, which sails under the Canadian flag, has been asked to assist in the search operation. The Austevoll shipping company DOF confirms this to Bergens Tidende. It was the British newspaper Daily Mail that mentioned this first. The Norwegian supply ship Skandi Vinland will participate in the search operation to look for the missing submarine. Photo: DOF A deep-water submarine from France is on its way, and is expected at the search site on Wednesday evening, reports Reuters. It can dive down to 6,000 meters. But then the time is almost up. Thursday at 1 p.m. is the time it is thought the submarine will run out of air. Criticism of safety A former director of the company that operates the submarine now missing on the Titanic claimed in a 2018 lawsuit that he was concerned about the safety of the submarine. David Lochridge was director of marine operations at the company OceanGate, which offers tourist tours to the wreck of the Titanic. He was sued by the company in 2018 for violating a non-disclosure agreement, court documents show. This is what Titan looks like when it is in surface position. Photo: HANDOUT / AFP In a counterclaim, Lochridge claimed he was fired by OceanGate in January 2018 after he raised critical safety concerns surrounding OceanGate’s “experimental and unproven design of the Titan.” He believed that the passengers on the Titan could be exposed to danger when the submarine reached certain depths. In the lawsuit, Lochridge further states that the viewing port in the forward part of the submarine was built for a pressure of 1,300 meters, even though OceanGate planned to take passengers down to a depth of 4,000 meters. According to CNN, OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush is one of the five people on board the missing Titan. The United States Coast Guard is coordinating an extensive search approximately 1,450 kilometers east of Cape Cod in the state of Massachusetts, while the Canadian Coast Guard has deployed aircraft and ships in the search for the submarine.
