Klepp Elite drops white shorts – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– There are many who have experienced unpleasant situations while playing football. – People have simply bled through? – Yes, several have happened. That’s what Klepp player Ine Mauland Tveit says. For years, she and her teammates have played in white shorts, and have experienced anxiety about menstruation. – It is something you can worry about, and it can affect your focus in the match, says Mauland Tveit. Now the 1st division team is throwing away the white shorts. Ine Mauland Tveit will not have to play in white shorts this year: – A nice arrangement that can be good for many, she says. Photo: Annika Byrde / NTB – Taking the players seriously On Thursday evening, the board of Klepp Elite decided that from this season both seniors and juniors will play with green shorts at home and black shorts away. It was Jærbladet that mentioned the case first. Head coach for Klepp Elite, Preben Gausland Stangeland, says the players have not expressed a wish to change the color of the shorts. Head coach for Klepp Elite, Preben Gausland Stangeland. He believes the decision will help the players. Photo: Jan Kåre Ness / NTB – But if we can take action so that the girls can feel safer and can perform better, then we will. They have enough to think about in everyday life, and if uncertainty about menstruation affects them, it is clear that we will take action. The lower divisions in women’s sports have long been the subject of debate. In 2020, the soccer girls in Lillesand got rid of their white shorts. Lauren Hemp and Esme Morgan are two of the Manchester City players who can now celebrate the victory over the white shorts. Photo: ANDREW BOYERS / Reuters In 2023, Manchester City will do the same (external link). RBK also wants to play in colored shorts. – What do you think of this development? – It shows that we take the players seriously, and put tradition aside so that they feel safe, says Gausland Stangeland. Impractical color Influencer and public debater Veronica Simoné Fjeld, also known as YummyMummy, praises the initiative. – It’s very cool that we have coaches and support staff who at least discuss this, and that you listen to the players. After all, they are the ones who should be comfortable enough to do what they are passionate about, namely playing football, she says. She is a soccer mother herself, and can agree that white is an impractical kit colour. Also independent of the period. – But there is a new dimension of embarrassment if you are unlucky enough to get your period in the middle of a match. Now she is calling for more menstrual measures in sports. – It would have been cool if sports made it easier for ladies who play sports and menstruate. For example, by having various necessities related to menstruation available in the wardrobe. A period kit would have been cool, she says. By menstrual kit, we mean a box or similar, with pads and tampons. The Klepp girls played one of their last matches in white shorts during the cup final in 2022. Photo: Annika Byrde / NTB
