Klaveness in Fifa meetings – must commit to NFF proposal – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

news meets Lise Klaveness at the hotel after a few hectic hours with both Fifa meetings and a show match in Kigali. On Thursday, the Fifa congress awaits, where Gianni Infantino is standing without opponents in the presidential election. At the same time, it has been unclear whether and in what way Congress will address the proposal the NFF submitted in January. Among other things, Klaveness and the NFF have asked Congress to investigate whether Fifa has complied with its human rights policy in connection with the Qatar World Cup. Will investigate The NFF wants Fifa to commit to a transparent assessment and a public report on whether this responsibility has been fulfilled, and if not, how it can be. On Wednesday, Klaveness received feedback on the proposal from the administrative management in Fifa, the football president tells news. – Point one was that it was positive to include so many Uefa countries in the meeting, and point two is the aim to get Fifa to commit to carrying out such investigations, then we will decide afterwards how it should be done, that’s where the work begins, says Klaveness. – You have to get them to commit to doing it, and create frameworks around such a commitment. In the meeting today, they confirmed that they are addressing our proposal from the stage at the Fifa Congress tomorrow (Thursday), and that they will commit to doing such investigations, she continues. – Counterproductively, the NFF was unsure whether the proposal would even be taken up for discussion when world football meets in Rwanda. The football president emphasizes that it is still not a guarantee, but the Fifa management were “very clear that they were going to do it”. Now it will be up to the political top management in Fifa. – Our aim is to get Fifa itself to commit itself from the stage. If I take the podium, I think it seems very counterproductive, but it has been a momentum to use. They don’t want me to do it, says Klaveness. MEETING COLLEAGUES: Top football players from all over the world have gathered in Kigali. She continues: – For the matter at hand, it is much better that Fifa itself commits itself from the stage to what we have proposed, and that is what they say they will do, and then we will see. It must go through with the manager himself, Gianni Infantino. But they have confirmed that they will say it, and if so, it will be an important step if they do, says Klaveness. Want experts The background for the proposal is that Fifa president Gianni Infantino ran for election on, among other things, strengthening Fifa’s human rights work. In 2017, the year after he was elected, Fifa got its first human rights policy. Specifically, the NFF wanted two things at the congress: A discussion on how Fifa complied with its obligations related to human rights during the football World Cup in Qatar. A discussion on how Fifa should comply with the same human rights obligations in the future. Klaveness has previously explained that it is important for the implementation of the regulations on which Infantino himself was elected, that this be investigated thoroughly. She has called for better and more documented clarifications on what consequences the WC had on migrant workers in Qatar. Before Christmas, the NFF was informed that Fifa has established a sub-committee for human rights. – The most important thing for us now is to get that investigation done. We think that it is wise for the subcommittee to lead that work, but that it must be supplemented with members from Uefa and not least experts. Experts on this with compensation calculation, the law in it and independent experts, says Klaveness to news. news’s ​​sports commentator Jan Petter Saltvedt believes that any investigations are an important step for the NFF, but he is, however, doubtful of the real effect. – It continues the fight that Klaveness and the NFF have committed to – even if they are in woefully small company. But it is also, by all indications, only a symbolic and short-term rise. Nobody in their most optimistic imagination believes that Fifa will end up concluding something that criticizes either the organization or the World Cup organizer to an extent that will give any real meaning, Saltvedt considers.
