Klaveness does not want these scenes – wants to bring out blank votes – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

Just after 08:00 Norwegian time, Infantino opened the Fifa congress in Kigali, where the powerful president stands without any opponents. Thus, as in 2019, Infantino will win the presidential election without competition. At the time, he was elected by so-called acclamation, where the delegates vote by applause and not ballots. Acclamation is often used when there are obvious decisions or choices, such as for one candidate. Infantino will be re-elected anyway, but Klaveness wants to bring out the views that are there. – If there is a vote on whether we should have acclamation, then we will vote against it. There will be, there will be acclamation, presumably, but then we will vote against it, because it is good to have a vote and at least bring out the diversity that is there. There are, after all, some different views on his candidacy. But there will probably be acclamation and then we have to deal with that, of course, says Klaveness to news. CLEAR: Football president Lise Klaveness is in Rwanda for the Fifa congress. – We are a bit exposed According to Fifa itself, over 200 member states had already declared their support in November last year. Since then, Norway and Sweden have stated publicly that they will not support the Fifa president. At the latest on Wednesday, the German football president also stated that they do not support Infantino in the presidential election. FIFA has 209 member countries in total. – What does it mean to get a vote and show diversity? – It is not certain that we should exaggerate that significance, but we have chosen to be clear that we are not voting for him. We don’t do that to make a point or to be difficult. After all, he will be re-elected, and we have to play him as well as we can in the next term, we have no choice. But we have chosen to be open about not voting for him. There are very few countries that are open about it, almost none. That means we are a bit exposed, says Klaveness. news’s ​​sports commentator Jan Petter Saltvedt believes that a possible reconciliation would not go down well with the Fifa president. BELIEVE IN APPLAUSE: Saltvedt believes Infantino will be elected by acclamation. Photo: Martin Leigland / news – For Infantino, this is an open provocation. It would have been a voting session that would symbolize the inveterate and certainly irritating opposition to the way Fifa is managed, at a time when the Swiss only want a glossy tribute, says Saltvedt, who points out that the outcome is a given. Something other than acclamation will be surprising, and a possible vote will not give much of a response either, Saltvedt believes. – Many people who, under other circumstances, could think of a solution other than Infantino will still vote for him, so as not to end up in disgrace, and then it will end up in very few blank votes anyway. It can easily be seen as an even stronger expression of Infantino’s popularity, says Saltvedt. Clearly opposed to Infantino, Klaveness told news during the WC in Qatar that they tried to find an opponent, without success. The reason why the NFF are open about not voting for Infantino is because they want to talk about the issues that make them not vote for him, explains the Norwegian football president. She highlights a lack of openness, transparency, lack of arm’s length to state leaders and investors and too many missed chances to implement human rights. – There are many good reforms in place, but then we are dependent on the top management using every opportunity to talk about it. So that we get it in place and documented, says Klaveness. It is expected that Infantino will be chosen at approximately 09.30 Norwegian time.
