Kjetil Borch stands for election – requests a public apology from the athletes’ committee – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– It would have been a bit of a double standard if I were only to be a sofa judge and then not register for the election this year when I have come with such harsh criticism as I have done, says Kjetil Borch to news. The 33-year-old says on Friday that he will stand for election to the Norwegian athletes’ committee. It comes after he expressed no confidence in the committee and its leader Astrid Uhrenholdt Jacobsen in April. – What will it take for that mistrust to turn into trust again? – Go out with a public apology, Borch initially answers. He further points out that, according to him, during a digital meeting in February, it was promised that the athletes’ committee would come up with a position on the matter of a possible return for Russian and Belarusian athletes in international sports by Easter. – Regret that they have not come up with a position and relaxed this over to the next sports committee. This is training the case and a type of disclaimer that is not worthy of Norwegian athletes, he sums up. Jacobsen has not responded to news’s ​​inquiries related to Borch’s criticism. MANAGER: Astrid Uhrenholdt Jacobsen. Photo: Geir Olsen / NTB Russia/Belarus will become a fan issue A position on the issue is also what he draws as the most important thing on which he wants to go to the polls. – What is undoubtedly the issue with the highest temperature is precisely this with the issue of Belarus and Russia returning to international sports and how the athletes’ committee almost 15 months into the war has not yet taken a position, he says and continues: – If I am elected to the athletes’ committee , then it will definitely be one of the fan cases. When the athletes have expressed their opinion on paper and we have had very clear and distinct measurements, then a decision must be made. It must not be left to the next sports committee until after the election, as it is now. Wants cooperation with Jacobsen On Thursday, Astrid Uhrenholdt Jacobsen made it known that she will not stand for re-election as head of the athletes’ committee. Jacobsen was elected as leader in 2019. As a member of the IOC’s athletes’ committee, she will still have a guaranteed place in the Norwegian athletes’ committee. – She has been leader now for four years. Given the circumstances of the past few months, it may make sense for her to let others in, says Borch about Jacobsen’s decision. Borch is clear that he wants to work with Jacobsen if he is elected. – I hope for a fruitful collaboration and that we can discuss the issues as issues and as people, that we have respect for each other. It is important. Besides that, it takes too long to have conflicts within a sports committee, if one is elected. I am fully and completely open to collaboration and high ceilings, says Borch. In an interview with news on Thursday, Jacobsen expressed his great joy that several candidates have applied for the election of members of the performance committee. – It is great fun that one of my last tasks is to organize an election. In the past we have never been able to find candidates, but now I am pleased that many athletes are applying. If you think something about these questions, you should register, Jacobsen said on Thursday. According to the statutes of the sports committee, the chair and deputy chair will be elected by the members who have been elected to the committee. This is how the election in the performers’ committee will be In an SMS to news, Jacobsen writes that they are open for nominations until Sunday and that a list of candidates is therefore not yet ready. In an interview with VG on Thursday, it emerged that there were then six candidates who had registered for the election. The executive committee must consist of at least five members and up to eight elected members. Birgit Skarstein and Jacobsen are both members of the Norwegian athletes’ committee by virtue of being members of the athletes’ committees of the IPC and IOC respectively. Furthermore, there are three elected members who are not up for election this year, so that there are between 0-5 new members to be elected to the sports committee. – As long as there are more candidates, as many as have support will be elected, but in such a way that the new gender provisions in the NIF Act are taken care of, writes Jacobsen. NIF’s law requires that there must be at least 40 per cent from each gender. Dissatisfied with letter-response Linked to the letter of censure he sent to the Sports Board, Borch says that he has received a “general response from the general secretary of NIF”. Roeren takes self-criticism for writing there that Jacobsen sat on the athletes’ committee by virtue of being on the IOC’s athletes’ committee, all the time she was elected as head of the athletes’ committee two years before she joined the IOC. – The remaining four or five points on which I criticize the athletes’ committee do not really comment on the NIF at all. They give the executive committee full and complete responsibility for dealing with the motion of no confidence themselves and do not really have any further comment on it. – I have not received answers to my questions from NIF. Now there will be an election in the athletes’ committee and Astrid has said that she will not run for leader. Then I just wait for the response from the athletes’ committee and see what they say about the letter, says Borch.
