Kjell Olav had to be evacuated from the farm and 80 sheep – news Vestland

It is the day after in Teigdalen in Voss. A day ago the water lay beyond the garden area of ​​Kjell Olav Vassenden and his family, today it has receded again. He shows news around the yard and describes some dramatic hours on Friday evening, where the water rose, hour by hour. – It came running and crawling 20-30 centimeters up the wall here. It flowed into the house. On the farm were Kjell Olav and his wife, daughter, son-in-law and grandson. Within a short time, the family had to decide whether or not to evacuate. – We contact the police. They decided we had to leave. Kjell Olav Vassenden says the decision to evacuate had to be made quickly. Photo: Sjur Mikal Dolve / news Had to abandon the sheep On Kjell Olav’s farm, the electricity had gone out. Everything was black when the family had to get off guard. He also had to make a quick assessment as to whether it was safe to leave the 80 sheep that remained in the barn. He concluded that it was. – We considered that there was little risk of the water getting into the sheep. I make sure to give them good food. According to the plan, Kjell Olav and his family were to meet the rescue team. But the crew got stuck by the lake some distance from the house. Instead, they received help from fire crews who came from another road. All the time he had in the back of his mind that the house could be washed away by the nearby Teigdalselva. – I have seen previous incidents from Flåm and Odda. Once the river takes hold, it works on its own terms. Second worst At Voss, the flounder is the second worst in modern times. Not quite as crazy as in 2014, but the water did a lot of damage. Mainly in the area around Vangsvatnet, such as Voss cultural center and the football fields. Voss hered set up a municipal crisis team to deal with the situation. In Evanger, this is the largest flood in modern history, where the water level was 25 cm higher than the flood in 2014. Still pumping water Crews from the fire service in Voss are still pumping out water from the cultural center, the courthouse and the junior high school on Saturday, Voss writes here in a press release. It is not clear how long the work will take, and they write that it will take as long as necessary. The fluff damage at Voss cultural center means that it must be closed for all activity for at least the next week. The consequences for the operation otherwise will now be worked on mapping. The next meeting of the crisis management will be Sunday morning.
