– Kiss my shoes or I’ll “stab” you – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– They threatened and said I had to call them boss and kiss their shoes, or they would “stab” me, says “Erik”. news has chosen to anonymize the boy. “Erik” is not his real name. One autumn day in early October, he was out with two friends who are a few years younger than himself. They like to play with scooters together. However, this day did not end like other days. The friends met a gang of boys who had bullied “Erik’s” younger friends for a long time. When he asked the young boys to stop this, a fight broke out. “Erik” believes he got the upper hand in the fight, and that the boys gave up. When the friends were on their way home, they thought the incident was over. It wasn’t. Two of the boys had followed them, and reached them again outside the house. They had a knife and a hammer with them. A mobile phone was also there to film, and now they threatened “Erik” to bend down, kiss their shoes and call them “boss”. If he did not do as he was told, he was to be stabbed. “Erik” says that he was most worried about his younger friends getting hurt. Photo: Ingvild Taranger / news “Erik” refused to do as the boys said. A lady saw what was happening and said she was going to call the police. Then the boys ran away. “Erik” came out of the situation unharmed, and the police were contacted. – I know that several people carry knives. I think it’s about being cool and tough, he says. The stepfather of “Erik” finds it frightening that young people cannot feel safe. – I feel a sense of horror and I am cursed, says the stepfather. He is shocked and doesn’t think young people realize how bad it is. – They are little kids. I wonder where they got it from, says the stepfather dejectedly. “Erik” and his two younger friends came unharmed from the incident. Photo: Ingvild Taranger / news Researcher confirms: The trend is only reversing among the youngest The registered violent crime is increasing in the youngest age groups. This is confirmed by Lars Roar Frøyland, who researches violence and crime among young people. – Both in children under the criminal minimum age (15) and among those under 18. In both of these groups, registered violent crime is increasing. The numbers among young people are steadily increasing. The development comes from a time of historically low recorded crime among young people. – It is clear that it is not lucky. It is never desirable for the development to reverse when it has moved in a positive direction over time. Frøysland says that we don’t know an awful lot about the factors. – What is special is that the trend has not reversed in older age groups. It turns only among the youngest. Researcher Lars Roar Frøyland says that we do not know enough about the factors for the negative development. Photo: NOVA He believes it is not inconceivable that social media can increase the level of conflict. – There is a tendency for small conflicts to become larger and more visible, both in the form of everyone seeing that there is an argument and that it is documented. We see how bad even adults are at communicating online. That it also applies to young people is not so surprising. Must roll up the sleeves The police do not like the development. – It is always worrying when you see an increase in violence among young people. It is something we take seriously, says Kathrine Sæland Rotseth in the Sør-West police district. She is section leader for prevention and patrol in Stavanger. Rogaland worst in Norway Approximately 7 people per 1,000 inhabitants in the age group 5-14 have been charged in Rogaland. It is higher than some other counties. The number of reports where people under 18 are suspected, charged or convicted in Sør-Vest police district has decreased from 2018 to 2021, but had an increase from 2021 to 2022. In the period 01 January 2021 – 19 October 2021 there were 1,347 incidents , where in the same time period in 2022 there have been 1,460 incidents. Source: Statistics Norway and South-West police district Rotseth say there is no quick solution when it comes to prevention. She believes the police must roll up their sleeves and try to reverse the development together with partners. – There are often people in society who shout “you have to take them”. When it comes to children under the age of 12, it may not be the best solution. She believes you have to think bigger than that. – Many of them have vulnerability factors that put them in the situation. We want to help them. Earlier in October, a man in his teens was stabbed on a bus in central Stavanger. Both of the two accused are minors, but above the criminal minimum age. Rotseth also believes that social media play a central role. Sometimes the police see that pictures of knives or other weapons are posted. – It can be to build status or to create fear. When there have been incidents of violence and fights, it is also occasionally posted on social media. This helps to create a challenge that the police did not have before. The section leader for prevention and patrol in Stavanger, says that there is no doubt that it is boys who most often repeat, both under and over 18. Photo: Ingvild Taranger / news Thinks the outcome could be fatal – An unfortunate blow or use of a knife can be fatal, so it is serious when such things happen. Vibeke Lunde Steinstø, department head of the Outdoor Section in Stavanger municipality, believes that young people often do not understand the consequences of what they do. She believes there are several things that make young people turn to crime. – Status, fear, thrill seeking, problems at home. There may be several different factors, but I think most young people want to be seen and heard. Head of Department for the Outdoor Section Vibecke Lunde Steinstø thinks it is important to point out that these are not ordinary incidents. Photo: Ingvild Taranger / news She stresses, however, that such incidents are not normal, and says that it is not dangerous to move around the city. – It is important that there are more people you can contact. If you feel unsafe, if parents wonder what is going on or if you hear about things that have happened: Get in touch, whether it is with the police, the Outdoor Section or others. Hi! Do you have any thoughts on the matter, or tips for something else I should look into? Then I will be happy if you send me an e-mail.
