King Harald cleans up – removes the “royal family” – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Until this afternoon, the royal house’s website operated with the following categories: The royal family – consisting of the royal couple, the crown prince couple and Princess Ingrid Alexandra The royal family – in addition to the members of the royal house, the royal family included Prince Sverre Magnus, Marius Borg Høiby, Princess Märtha Louise and her three daughters, as well Princess Astrid. The royal house has previously stated that Durek Verrett would also become part of the royal family when he married Princess Märtha Louise. This will not be the case now – at least not on the royal house’s website. Until Tuesday afternoon, an overview of both the royal house and the royal family was available on Now the royal family has been removed. Photo: Screenshot For now, the “royal family” has been deleted. Instead, the categories are now used: The Royal House Other royals The Royal House still consists of King Harald, Queen Sonja, Crown Prince Haakon, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Princess Ingrid Alexandra. The second category, “other royals”, is slimmed down compared to the previous category “royal family”. “Other royals” consists of the other three with royal titles: Prince Sverre Magnus, Princess Märtha Louise and Princess Astrid. This is what the overview on looks like on Tuesday afternoon. Photo: Skjermbilde – Made to clarify This means that neither Marius Borg Høiby, Maud Angelica Behn, Leah Isadora Behn and Emma Tallulah Behn, nor Durek Verrett, belong to these official categories. – The changes to have been made to clarify who represents the royal house, as well as who the other royals are. This is in line with the current definitions of the royal house and its members, says communications manager Guri Varpe at Slottet to news. – Several members of the king’s family are mentioned in the royal biographies, she adds. Marius Borg Høiby and Durek Verrett are only mentioned in biographies Marius Borg Høiby is now only mentioned in the biographies of his mother, Crown Princess Mette-Marit, and of Crown Prince Haakon. Durek Verrett is mentioned in the biography of his wife, Princess Märtha Louise. The same applies to her three daughters. Photo: Cornelius Poppe / NTB Published 03.09.2024, at 16.50
