King Charles is crowned king of Great Britain – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

In a golden carriage drawn by six horses, King Charles and Queen Camilla greet the many who line the route from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey. All along the road are crowds of people with flags and cheers – and umbrellas on a rainy morning in the British capital. The royal carriage that the royal couple sits in was first used in 2014 and has both air conditioning and modern suspension. When the royal couple will return to the castle as newly crowned after the ceremony in Westminster Abbey, however, it will be in a much older carriage, which has been in use at all coronations since the 1830s. Along the route stand 1,000 soldiers from the army, navy and air force. Photo: MARCO BERTORELLO / AFP Photo: HANNAH MCKAY / Reuters Photo: CLODAGH KILCOYNE / Reuters This morning, those on the exclusive guest list flocked to Westminster Abbey to witness the historic ceremony. Ukraine’s first lady Olena Zelenska and the country’s prime minister Denys Sjmyhal arrived at Westminster Abbey this morning to witness the coronation of King Charles. The two arrived at the church together ahead of the grand coronation ceremony. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will not attend. In addition, Jill Biden, first lady of the United States, is in place. She is attending on behalf of her husband, Joe Biden, and is bringing her husband’s grandson, Finnegan Biden. Other guests include artists Katy Perry, Lionel Richie and Nick Cave and Oscar-winning actress Emma Thompson. Photo: Jane Barlow / AP The guests ready for King Charles’ coronation 20 pictures The Crown Prince couple represent Norway. Crown Prince Haakon will then see his namesake King Charles crowned King of Great Britain. The Norwegian heir to the throne has previously pointed to the British king as one of his role models.
