Kindergarten teachers got a master’s degree, but don’t get more salary – news Vestland

Three years ago, kindergarten teacher Sindre Mathiesen finished a two-year master’s in kindergarten knowledge. He still gets the same salary as a kindergarten teacher with a one-year further education – i.e. a salary supplement of NOK 22,000 a year. – For me, it is empty words when they say that they want more quality in the nurseries, but are not willing to pay for it. Mathiesen now works in a municipal kindergarten in Bergen municipality. Although Sindre Mathiesen does not get a higher salary for taking a master’s degree, he wants to continue working in a nursery school. Photo: Brynjar Mangor Myrtveit Osgjerd / news Kindergarten teachers do not have a collective agreement that automatically gives them more pay if they take higher education. In order to receive a higher salary, the kindergarten teacher must have applied for a position that specifically requires a master’s degree. But in Bergen municipality there are no such positions. Mathiesen must therefore wave goodbye to up to NOK 80,000 more in salary. Since there are no positions for those with a five-year education, Mathiesen believes that he also does not get work assignments where the education is fully completed. – To me, it feels as if I have a number of qualities that I want to benefit the children, but it doesn’t. The way I see it, there is no will to put those qualities into a system. Want more people with a master’s degree One in three kindergarten teachers with a master’s degree will not receive a salary supplement. Among those who receive a salary supplement, the most common is NOK 20,000 a year, according to a survey by OsloMet on behalf of the Education Association. At the same time, more than half of the nursery managers in the survey want to hire people with a master’s degree. Nevertheless, very few of those with a five-year education are able to adapt to the work tasks in the kindergarten. The government is also calling for more people with a master’s degree in the kindergarten strategy they put forward in January this year. Central board member Anne Mari Milo Lorentzen of the Education Association thinks it is paradoxical that more education is desired in kindergarten, but that the education still does not lead to higher wages or adapted tasks. Photo: Stig Weston Central board member Anne Mari Milo Lorentzen in the Education Association seems paradoxical that more education is desired in kindergarten, but that the education still does not lead to higher wages or adapted tasks. – Having someone with a master’s degree who can carry out independent development work, innovation and new thinking will be able to help lift the overall professional environment in the nursery. Won’t it be very expensive to pay all kindergarten teachers with master’s degrees? – It is about priorities. When there is a political priority, one must also prioritize money for it. The main tariff agreement is the basis. Higher wages and own master’s positions for kindergarten teachers are decided by the parties in the wage negotiations in the municipalities or at the national level. Bargaining manager Bjarne Mohn Olsvold in Bergen municipality confirms that, in principle, they do not give higher wages if employees have more education than what is required in the job advertisement. He points out that Bergen municipality has nevertheless chosen to give salary supplements to employees who have half or a full year of further education. – We see that it is appropriate to consider going forward whether we should improve the system for awarding competence beyond the requirements for the position, but that is a matter between the parties in local salary negotiations, says Olsvold. Head of agency for kindergarten Mimi Bjerkestad in Bergen municipality points out that the municipality complies with staffing requirements and competence requirements set out in the Kindergartens Act. – The establishment of new positions must be seen in connection with the development of the sector and the revision of political plans and measures for the sector. She says that the municipality has prioritized master’s education for directors. – There are more and more kindergarten teachers taking master’s degrees, and we must include this in our further work, adds Bjerkestad. In Bergen municipality, kindergarten teachers receive a higher salary for a full or half year of further education. Photo: Simon Skjelvik Brandseth / news – Competence costs There are still some municipalities where kindergarten teachers are paid for master’s education. The municipalities can choose to pay a higher salary than the tariff. Last autumn, kindergarten teachers in Sola municipality automatically received a higher salary if they completed a longer education. Municipal manager for upbringing and culture Rune Moen in Sola municipality says that they give higher salaries to recruit and retain kindergarten teachers. – Competence costs money, and we want competence. He hopes that the master’s degree will increase the quality of the kindergartens in the municipality.
