Kim Jong Un’s sister warns against a “dangerous situation” – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Several times in recent weeks, North Korea has sent balloons full of poo and garbage to its neighbors in the south. Hundreds of large, white helium balloons have been sent across the border, and the contents have been spread over the entire neighboring country. South Korea has responded by playing music and other South Korean content over huge loudspeakers close to the border. South Korean military personnel are searching through rubbish that is said to have been sent across the border from North Korea by balloon. Photo: Im Sun-suk/Yonhap / AP In addition, voluntary organizations have sent their own balloons, with food, international news and commemorative sticks with K-pop and K-drama. Now Kim Jong-un’s sister, Kim Yo-jong, has had enough. She warns the neighboring country against launching more countermeasures. – This is a prelude to a very dangerous situation, Yo-jong said in a public statement on Sunday evening. DISCLAIMER: Kim Jong-un’s sister, Kim Yo-jong, is an influential politician in North Korea. She has had enough of the propaganda from South Korea. Photo: JORGE SILVA / Reuters Sign to North Korean loudspeakers – If the ROK continues to send leaflets at the same time as they broadcast provocations on loudspeakers across the border, they will undoubtedly witness new counter-reactions from the DPRK, she said in the statement on Sunday, according to Reuters. In addition to being the sister of dictator Kim Jong-un, Yo-jong is one of the most influential political figures in the country. From large speakers, like these, South Korea plays loud music across the border into North Korea. Photo: Kim Hong-Ji / AP The military in South Korea has said that they will continue playing music as long as the neighbors continue to send balloons over the border. They have also said that they have seen signs that North Korea has set up its own loudspeakers at the border. In South Korea, several hundred balloons filled with garbage and excrement have flown in over the past week. The governing authorities in South Korea react seriously to it, and describe the balloons as dangerous. Balloon propaganda for years That the two neighbors send balloons across the borders is far from new, even if the technique has been little used in recent years. Already during the Korean War in the 1950s, balloons were sent between the South and the North, usually with propaganda and information about the war. In the 1950s, it was mainly the military and the government that sent the balloons off guard. Such balloons have been sent across the border to South Korea in recent weeks. Photo: South Korean Defense Ministry / AFP In recent years, various organizations have used the technique to spread information to neighboring countries. In 2020, South Korea made it illegal to send leaflets with propaganda across the border, both in balloons and in bottled mail. Published 10.06.2024, at 20.56
