Kim Jong-un meets Putin in Russia – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Putin says that the reason for the visit is to help North Korea build satellites. This is what the Russian president says to journalists outside the space center Vostochny Cosmodrome, which is located in the east of Russia. When asked if they want to discuss arms supplies, Putin replies that they will discuss “all issues”. This is reported by the state-run Russian news agency, according to Reuters. A video of Putin and Kim outside the space center shows two smiling heads of state, who are supposed to be happy to see each other: – I am happy to see you, Putin said to Kim, before they shake hands for over half a minute. Kim Jong-un waved goodbye from his train, before it took off from the North Korean capital, Pyongyang. Photo: AFP On Tuesday, the armored train of North Korea’s dictator, Kim Jong-un, rolled into the Russian region of Primorsky. The region borders North Korea, and lies all the way east in Russia. Kim is followed by high-ranking government officials, including military personnel, the state-run North Korean news agency KCNA reported. Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke during an international economic forum in Vladivostok on Tuesday. Photo: AP American media: Russia wants weapons The two leaders are expected to discuss the possibility that North Korea can supply Russia with more weapons that can be used in the war in Ukraine. Unnamed sources told the New York Times a few days ago, before sources later reported the same to NBC. According to US sources, Putin wants Kim to send artillery shells and anti-tank missiles to Russia. In return, North Korea will get access to advanced technology for satellites and nuclear submarines. North Korea has recently had two failed satellite launches, according to the BBC. President Vladimir Putin and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un last met in 2019. Then at the Federal University of the Far East in Vladivostok, which since 1899 has specialized in international politics. Photo: AFP Previous meeting in July The two last met in 2019. It was the first time Kim Jong-un was in Russia on an official visit. American authorities have previously said that the arms negotiations between Russia and North Korea are “advancing”. US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby previously said that Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu had tried to “persuade Pyongyang to sell artillery ammunition” to Russia during a recent visit to North Korea in July. It was the first time Kim opened the country’s doors to foreign guests since the covid pandemic. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un together with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu visited a weapons exhibition in Pyongyang in North Korea on July 26, 2023. Photo: AP Researcher and author Ankit Panda has, among other things, written a book about Kim Jong-un and is an expert on The Asia Pacific region and nuclear strategy. He is clear that Russia and North Korea each have things that the other country wants – It will be decisive if both sides can find suitable prices they are willing to pay for the help of the other, he told the BBC. He says that Russia will probably ask North Korea for conventional weapons, including artillery shells and ammunition for rocket artillery, in exchange for food and raw materials, and still support at international forums such as the UN.
