Key figures in Swedish network arrested in Norway – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

In a hotel room in Oslo, a picture is snapped of a man with a rifle leaning against his leg. With a view of the entire capital behind them, five masked men pose with the gang symbol of a Swedish network. These five, all with connections to Sweden, have been arrested in a hitherto unknown police operation in Oslo. According to news’s ​​information, they are associated with the Swedish Shottaz network, which is based in Rinkeby. The police believe they have tried to establish themselves in Norway. According to the police, they have engaged in drug crime, robbery and robbery in Norway. Drugs have been seized in connection with the arrests. One of the five arrested men photographed with a two-handed weapon in a hotel in Oslo. The weapon has not been seized. Photo: the police Four out of five of the men are Swedish citizens. One of them is a British citizen living in Sweden. If the charge ends in a verdict, the five will be deported from Norway and banned from entering, assistant unit leader Joakim Dyrdal of the Oslo police told news. – The police are concerned when what we experience is new criminal networks wanting to establish themselves in Oslo. That is also why we direct our efforts particularly towards these, to prevent the establishment of new criminal networks, he says to news. Two of the three men plead not guilty, while one of them partially pleads guilty. The other two have already been expelled from Norway. At least ten killed in internal conflict The five accused in Norway belong to the Filterlösa Grabbar (FLG) network, according to news’s ​​information. This environment, described in a Swedish police report as a “tail” of the larger Shottaz network, is based in Järva, a district in the suburb of Solna in Sweden. The members are young, and the gang should not have a clear membership structure. In Sweden, the police believe that the group has a great will and ability to carry out violence. Two of the five arrested in Norway are described as central to the Shottaz network, which is linked to over ten gang murders in Sweden. Photo: Instagram A split in the Rinkeby networks led to the rival groups Shottaz and Death Patrol. – The conflict began in 2015 and has escalated. There is revenge on revenge, both because of honour, revenge, and because of the drug market, says investigative journalist Diamant Salihu to news. He has written several books about gang crime in Sweden, and follows the situation closely. At least ten young men have lost their lives in the conflict, according to Swedish police. Among other things in Copenhagen, where two members in their 20s were killed in 2019. Salihu says that despite the fact that leaders in the networks are imprisoned or killed, there are enough of them who want to take over the place in the gangs. – There is a new generation that inherits the conflicts. So even if the network becomes more fragmented, you have a strong tail in Shottaz of new people – younger siblings, relatives, and others – who look up to the brand. The police believe they can link quantities of cash to the arrested men. Photo: the police – Important to prevent establishment Two of the five who have now been arrested in Norway are described as central figures in the environment. One of them, a 29-year-old British citizen, was wanted for attempted murder in Stockholm in 2020. The attack is said to have taken place in revenge for the murder of a 12-year-old girl in Stockholm in 2020. The Swedish citizens are respectively 21, 25, 27 and 20 years. Only the 20-year-old has not previously been convicted in Sweden. The others have previously been convicted for, among other things, drug trafficking and money laundering. – What do the police think that that violence can be moved here in Norway? – The fact that a criminal network that has lines of conflict in Sweden is also trying to establish itself in Norway may entail an increased risk of that conflict also moving here. That is why it is so important that the police prevent this establishment and ensure that we do not get those lines of conflict in Norway as well, says assistant unit leader Dyrdal. The police have seized drugs in Norway in connection with the arrest of the five men. Photo: The Dyrdal police believe that the police in Oslo have good control over the gang environments that try to establish themselves there. – In addition, we have good cooperation both with other police districts, Kripos and foreign police, with whom we share the information, which makes the overview even better. However, Kripos chief Kristin Kvigne is concerned about whether the police throughout the country are equipped to handle the Swedish networks. She says all Norwegian police districts had experience with Swedish networks in 2023. – Some districts were able to report small episodes related to drug sales, others saw that there were establishments along the way, and still others had a well-established Swedish criminal network in their district. So this is a situation that affects all the country’s police districts, says Kvigne in Dagsrevyen on Monday. Tip news’s ​​crime group: Do you have information about this case or other crime cases? Contact news’s ​​crime group. You can tip us off by e-mail or through news’s ​​encrypted notification service. Here you can tip us anonymously. We also treat all tips confidentially, in line with the Vær varsom poster’s rules on source protection. Recorded music video in Oslo In Oslo, the accused have engaged in violent, weapons and drug crimes, according to the police. Several of them are connected to various addresses in the Norwegian capital, according to the detention orders. In a music video recorded in an apartment east of Oslo, the men display quantities of drugs. All the participants in the video are masked or slandered, while the music is Norwegian. In the video’s closing shot, the accused stand at a vantage point outside the Ekeberg restaurant in Oslo, and show the symbol for Shottaz. The police believe the five men in the photo are the five men they have arrested and want to deport from Norway. The image is from a music video recorded, among other things, outside the Ekeberg restaurant in Oslo. Photo: Screenshot / news – news is aware that a music video has been recorded here in Oslo. To what extent are the police familiar with that video? – The police are also aware that a music video has been recorded in Oslo, where we believe that the individual actors can be linked to the network in Sweden, says Dyrdal. Two of the accused’s defenders, Inam Ali and Daniel Storrvik, both say that their clients do not understand the charges. – He believes that it has no roots in reality and that he has gone to Norway to establish himself legally, says Storrvik, who defends the Swedish 27-year-old. Marius Dietrichson’s client, a 21-year-old Swedish citizen, also believes he wanted to establish himself legally in Norway. – He did not come here to commit a crime, he says. He moved here to live and work here, stay with family friends. But he has now pleaded guilty to parts of what he is accused of.
