Ken-Philippe (19) entered the Theater Academy – news Nordland

Teacher, doctor, engineer or actor? This summer, several thousand Norwegians have found out whether they got into their dream studies. On Monday, all the national admissions figures were published by Samordna uptakt. The medical program at the University of Oslo is again the program in Norway with the highest admission requirements. In the overview, we can read that there were 20 applicants per study place. But at the Theater College at KHiO it is even more difficult to get in. There were 2,697 applicants for medicine at UiO. 135 were offered a place, according to the latest figures. Photo: Nesvold, Jon Olav / NTB scanpix This year over 700 people fought for 10 study places. That means over 70 applicants per study place. 540 of the applicants were qualified. The entrance exams take place over several weeks. The eye of the needle is so narrow that most people have to try several times before they get in. Aksel Hennie, for example, entered first on the fourth attempt. Linn Skåber needed five attempts. – It’s a great youth offer that gave me a real kick start, says Tete about the stage workshops in Svolvær. Photo: Espen Mortensen Ken-Philippe Tete from Leknes in Lofoten only needed to apply once. – That I should get in on the first try? I sat in my room for half an hour and just gaped, he says to news. Tete hoped for the best and was prepared for the worst. But the good news came. Photo: Screen dump Lofot-Tidende has also spoken to Tete in the past. Success at the first attempt Tete was one of 30 applicants who were allowed to present themselves to the jury at the Theater Academy. The 19-year-old was nevertheless completely sure that he would not get in. – I don’t understand how this happened. I was very happy, of course. Tete has experience with theater and musicals in Svolvær Sceneverksted, and has attended the music theater program at Romerike Folkehøgskole for one year. Beyond that, the lofotværing is a completely undescribed leaf. Comparable? How the school measures the competence of applicants is different. Markus Degerman is principal at KHiO. He has a background in visual art and architecture. Photo: Oslo University of the Arts UiO looks at your diploma when you apply for Samordna Opptak, but at KHiO they look at how you perform during three rounds of entrance exams. Is it more difficult to get into the Theater Academy than the medical studies at UiO? – Yes absolutely. Without a doubt, says Markus Degerman, rector at KHiO. – Yes, it is absolutely comparable. Both are about the knowledge, the difference is how we account for the knowledge. When it comes to grades, you have done subjects in the past, but with executive competence you have to assess it in a different way, he says. Took 10 tries – Someone on the jury told me they applied for 10 years before they even got in. And it is not so easy to come in completely unknown from the outside like me. Tete believes his musical background helped him get in on the first try. Parts of entrance exams consist of singing and performing poems. He is also satisfied that he can now contribute to more diversity in the Norwegian acting industry. – Theater in Norway needs more people who represent different ethnicities. I’m glad that I can help smooth out that relationship. Hi! ✌What are you left with after reading this case? Feel free to send me an e-mail and tell me 🙂 Or send me a tip about an issue that you think could hit the young people!
