Karsten Warholm on the run – dos Santos world champion – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

– It’s not my best day on the pitch, obviously. Of course I’m disappointed. This is not what I’m going for, says a disappointed but composed Karsten Warholm to news. In the dream final against home hope Rai Benjamin and the year’s fastest hurdler, Alison dos Santos, the Norwegian fell short. The Ulsteinviking had the lead on the last long stretch, but in the last 100 meters it became clear that dos Santos had even more power in his legs. Warholm appeared to stumble a bit in a hedge and fell through the field. Brazilian dos Santos flew away and secured his first WC gold. – Warholm lasted approx. 300 metres, then it said boom stop, commented Jann Post. – When did you realize that this was not going to work? – It was when I got the acid on the eighth hurdle. That’s how it is. I came here and did everything I could. I am proud of that, says Warholm to news. Watch the entire race to Warholm in the video window. – I went out to win Dos Santos eventually won in 46.29. Warholm eventually finished in seventh place. Benjamin took the silver ahead of the surprise Trevor Bassitt at home. – The third fastest time the world has ever seen. He wins superiorly, Post commented on the gold winner. GOLD: Warholm congratulated Alison dos Santos on the WC gold. Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB From the stumble at the eighth hurdle, Warholm was passed by as many as six runners. – I hope he didn’t open up the injury. I just hope the strength ran out, Post commented worriedly. But Warholm was able to reassure the commentator and all other worried supporters that everything is fine with the injury. – What did you feel at hurdle eight? – Nothing more than acid really. It hits me really hard. I went out to win, I think everyone can see that, but no special training for six weeks costs a little, admits Warholm. – When the acid kicks in, you know there is no going back. It doesn’t just disappear. Unfortunately, that’s how it is, it’s not pleasant. That is the brutal truth, and we have to live with it, he follows up. Because despite the fact that it all ended with a disappointing seventh place, Warholm has not had any problems with the injury he sustained earlier in the season during the WC – The injury is good, but it has come at the expense of training to recover from it. But then again, that’s the way it is. I have been lucky earlier in my career and had many great experiences and now it turned out like this. That’s how it is. It’s something you have to accept and live with, but that’s not how I want it to be, he says. Race against the clock When Warholm ran the WC final on Wednesday night, it was exactly six weeks and three days since he suffered the injury in Rabat. For Team Warholm, since then it has been a battle against the clock to get to the start. – What Karsten has done in the last few weeks has been absolutely brutal. He has not had an optimal charge. The fight he showed today was incredibly impressive. He will really have a few for that fight, training buddy Amalie Iuel boasts to news. Physiotherapist Håvard Moksnes said on Tuesday that the stress around a third day of competition and the final race would create a greater element of risk than in the previous races. No one knew what the thigh would be like six and a half weeks after the injury in Morocco. – How have the last few weeks been? – They have been heavy, of course. It has been hard work coming back from the injury. I haven’t trained as I wanted, I’ll get the bill for that today, is the verdict from Warholm.
