Karlsøy in Troms attracts nurses – news Troms and Finnmark

– I am both happy and terrified, says Guro Karlsen. She is a nurse at Sørlandet Hospital in Kristiansand, but soon she and her partner are moving to the small municipality of Karlsøy in Troms. By committing to a minimum of two years, she receives a recruitment grant of NOK 80,000. She also gets an increase in salary compared to what she earns at the hospital down south. In addition, Karlsøy is included in the measures zone for Nord-Troms and Finnmark, which results in lower taxes. In Karlsøy, Guro Karlsen will work in the short-term ward at the nursing home in the municipality. – It will probably be a big transition. But I think it will be healthy for me to calm down a bit, and have even better patient contact, she says. Attractive for young people For the first time in several years, Karlsøy municipality has more qualified applicants for nursing positions. – In the autumn of 2023, we had no applicants for two announcements for nursing positions. In February, we received four qualified applicants. That’s what Aina Isaksen, head of personnel and organization in Karlsøy municipality, tells us. The municipality offers extra pay, relocation allowance and grants for continuing education to nurses who take up a job in the municipality. In addition to recruitment grants, nurses, kindergarten teachers, healthcare workers and child and youth workers start with ten years’ seniority when they are employed. – That makes it more attractive for young, recent graduates to come here and be here. We have had an increased number of applicants for nursing positions in particular, says Isaksen. Guro Karlsen will work as a nurse in Karlsøy. The roommate has got a teaching job. Photo: Pål Hansen / news Other professional groups can also be lured to the municipality with favorable conditions, if after several announcements there have been no qualified applicants. – Last summer we advertised engineering positions and received 22 applicants. Normally we get one to three applicants, says the head of personnel and organization in Karlsøy. Aina Isaksen is head of personnel and organization in Karlsøy municipality. Photo: Pål Hansen – Gledelig It is the politicians in Karlsøy who have adopted a package of measures for the recruitment of important labour. Deputy mayor Parabaran Rajalingam (SV) is satisfied with the effect they are now seeing. – Politicians in small municipalities must offer nurses good conditions and a good working environment to ensure staffing in the health sector. It is gratifying to see that it is working. Deputy mayor Parabaran Rajalingam is satisfied that Karlsøy now appears to be more attractive to apply to. Photo: Pål Hansen / news Manager at Karlsøy nursing home, Marit Sørensen, believes that employing permanent nurses in elderly care provides a better offer to patients. The municipality also saves money, she believes. – Now we have continuity and stable operations. When we are short of people, we are constantly looking for qualified staff. Measures for recruitment in Karlsøy * Recruitment grant of up to NOK. NOK 80,000 against a 2-year commitment period is offered to nurses and social workers. Other professional groups can be offered recruitment grants based on a special assessment of recruitment challenges. Recruitment stipends are paid after completion of the probationary period. * All nurses have the right to a 100% position * Nurses are granted leave with pay and cover of tuition fees for further education approved by the employer. *There is an offer of 1 year of free after-school care from the start. * Karlsøy municipality covers moving costs with 50% of the total cost, maximum NOK. 30,000 against a commitment period of 1 year. See separate regulations. *Nurses, social workers and kindergarten teachers are given a guaranteed salary + 20,000. Specialist nurses are given a guaranteed salary + 30,000. *Available accommodation for students in practice, holiday temporary workers and short-term needs when starting a job. *For professional groups with special recruitment challenges, after 2 years a stabilization grant, or a grant for further education of up to NOK can be offered. 60,000 against a commitment period of 2 years. *For occupational groups with special recruitment challenges, after 4 years an extra week of holiday can be offered annually after concrete and individual assessment. (Source: Karlsoykommune.no) Have to resort to unskilled workers According to a survey, the Nurses’ Association has made 20 percent of the nursing shifts in the Troms municipalities staffed by employees who are not trained nurses. In some municipalities, one nurse may risk being the only specialist at work, and have responsibility for both patients in nursing homes and those in need of care who live at home. Deputy head of the Nurses’ Association in Troms, Mari-Ann Benonisen, says the workload is particularly heavy during the summer holidays. – What we hear is that nurses can often be the only nurse in an entire municipality. They then have responsibility for both institutional and home-based care. Advantages in Nord-Troms and Finnmark Karlsøy is located in the action zone for Nord-Troms and Finnmark. Then you get several advantages: * Zero employer’s tax * Write-down of student loans of up to NOK 30,000 each year. If you are a teacher, you get an additional NOK 20,000 written down each year. * Free kindergarten * Exemption from electricity tax * Reduction in personal taxation – this means you pay 18.5% instead of 22% like the rest of the country Near Tromsø Several municipalities in the north have launched targeted measures to get more applicants advertised positions. – The municipalities understand the problem and see the problem, but we have to take seriously the fact that we have a large shortage of nurses in almost all municipalities, says Benonisen. One of the reasons why Karlsøy municipality is able to recruit nurses is the proximity to a large city like Tromsø, she believes. – In addition, Karlsøy is in the action zone for Nord-Troms and Finnmark, and thus has more opportunities. Karlsøy municipality consists of a number of islands. Here are buildings on Karlsøya, which was the municipal center in the old days. Now it is Hansnes that is the municipality’s administrative center Photo: Eirik Hind Sveen / news Guro Karlsen confirms that the proximity to the neighboring municipality of Tromsø was decisive for the cohabiting couple when they considered which North Troms municipality they should move to. The choice was between Lyngen and Karlsøy. – The fact that Karlsøy is closer to Tromsø was one reason why we chose it, she says. She is looking forward to living closer to her northern Norwegian family, and to spending time in the beautiful nature. Torill Schneider Aarø is the main shop steward for the nurses in Karlsøy. Photo: Pål Hansen / news Housing shortage But when Karlsøy is to recruit new health personnel, they encounter a challenge. Because where will the new arrivals live? According to Torill Schneider Aarø, the main shop steward for the nurses in Karlsøy, it is difficult to rent a home and there are few homes for sale. – We have nurses who stay for three months because they live in a collective. When you have a family, there is nothing special about living in a collective. Aarø believes that the focus must be on housing in the municipality. – It is the municipality where it is easiest to get a start-up loan. But if you’ve never lived in Karlsøy before, you won’t buy a house. Published 07/07/2024, at 07.49
