Kari Nessa Nordtun and the Labor Party emerge – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– This makes the election a little more exciting than we had originally thought, says political scientist Svein Tuastad to news. A change of power is imminent in Stavanger. According to an opinion poll carried out by Norstat on behalf of news, today’s opposition parties Høyre, Frp, KrF and Venstre have a majority with 34 representatives. The Conservatives get a support of 34.8 percent. – These are great numbers, and it is incredibly gratifying that we have such good trust from the voters, says the Conservative Party’s mayoral candidate in Stavanger, Sissel Knutsen Hegdal. Sissel Knutsen Hegdal is the mayoral candidate for the Conservative Party in Stavanger. Photo: Øystein Otterdal / news In the previous opinion poll in Stavanger Aftenblad in March, the Labor Party, which has the mayor in the municipality today, had a support of 19.2 percent. I think there will be a change of power But in news’s ​​recent survey, which was carried out after the majority parties dropped the bomb about a year’s free bus for all residents, Ap has a support of 25.5 per cent. – This is absolutely inspiring and is a motivation. But we still have a big job ahead of us, says Stavanger Mayor Kari Nessa Nordtun (Ap). Political commentator Trond Birkedal wrote in a commentary in Aftenbladet in January that it was already clear that the Conservative Party’s Sissel Knutsen Hegdal was going to be the municipality’s new mayor. He still stands firm on that, even with a strengthened Labor Party. – I am completely aware that there will be a change of power. It is difficult to see what new things they will come up with that can top the free bus. Then there is probably only loose powder left when they enter the election campaign, he says. One party has lost voters He says there is still a theoretical possibility that the Labor Party will have the mayor also after this autumn’s election, but that a lot needs to be done. – These are of course pleasing figures for Labor, but it doesn’t help as long as the others don’t deliver, he says. Conservative Party leader Erna Solberg was in Stavanger today and took part in the election campaign together with Stavanger Conservative Party. Here together with Amaal Hussein (left). Photo: Johan Mihle Laugaland / news The biggest reason why there will be a change of power in Stavanger, Birkedal believes, is the People’s Party. The party had a support of 9.2 per cent at the last election, and received a total of six representatives in the municipal council. Fresh poll May 2023 Poll conducted by Norstat between 24 and 27 May. 594 polled Conservative Party wants 24 mandates, FRP wants six mandates, Liberal Party wants two mandates and KrF wants two mandates. This means that they will have a majority. Today’s majority parties (Ap, SP, MDG, SV, Rødt and the People’s Party) will have 30 mandates. The Industry and Business Party will receive two mandates. The Pensioners’ Party one mandate. In news’s ​​recent measurement, however, they are not to be found in the overview. – Almost all the voters for the People’s Party had switched back to the Conservative Party already at the first poll after the election last year. Believes the survey makes the election more exciting Stats scientist Svein Tuastad does not agree with Birkedal. He believes the new poll shows that the election in Stavanger has not been decided after all. – There is still an advantage for the Conservative Party, but it is only a question of a couple of mandates that will be reversed, he says. Political scientist Svein Erik Tuastad. Photo: Josef Benoni Ness Tveit / news He believes that the hope for the position parties in Stavanger now must be that they get a little more national support. – If the electricity prices stay low and there are other successes in the election campaign, it could be interesting until the finish line, he says. He believes that the news about possible free public transport could soon be the reason why Ap is now doing better than what has been shown in other surveys.
