Karen-Marie was filmed by the doctor in the Frosta case – still had the case dropped – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

– I thought I was going to explode. I was really pissed off, and not just on behalf of me, but on behalf of everyone. After two years of investigation, the indictment against the former municipal superintendent in Frosta was finalized in September. The investigation shows that Karen-Marie Reitan was filmed by the doctor during a gynecological examination. Nevertheless, she was told in September that her case had been dropped so that the indictment would not be too extensive. Karen-Marie is one of 114 women who have had their case against Arne Bye dropped. For two years, the police investigated the case complex. Then Karen-Marie was told that her case had been dropped. Photo: Morten Waagø / news Over 200 women In the indictment against Arne Bye, 95 women have the status of being offended. 88 of them are said to have been raped in what is one of the biggest rape cases in Norway ever. But the figure on the previous day could have been higher. – We were over 200 women in the case and then the indictment came. There are a lot of women who are not involved, says Karen-Marie. – It gives the feeling that you are not believed, that your case is not as important. Before the police sent over the completed investigated case to the State Attorney, they dismissed 99 cases. 85 of these due to statute of limitations, investigation manager Eivind Guldseth previously confirmed to news. In addition, the public prosecutor dismissed 15 cases. One of these was Karen-Marie’s. – It was like being punched in the stomach. It is incomprehensible. Reitan told his story to news already last year. Recently, VG has also mentioned her case. For over 20 years she had Bye as her GP. Photo: Morten Waagø / news Comprehensive indictment news has seen the document from the State Attorney’s Office in which it appears that Karen-Marie’s case has been dismissed. There it emerges that Arne Bye filmed Karen-Marie during an examination, but that there is not strong enough evidence to say that the doctor abused his position as a doctor to obtain sexual intercourse. Therefore, it has also not been proven that Karen-Marie was raped. Because the case is so extensive, other offenses such as filming without consent or sexual offenses are not included in the case, according to the document. – They have put away cases where there is filming… I have no words for how ugly I think it is, says Karen-Marie. – It is so disrespectful and so badly done that they remove things. It is an ugly overstepping. The State Attorney’s assessment: “The case has been assessed against the Criminal Code’s provisions on rape (§291) and abuse of superior power (§295). Due to the size of the case, it has not been considered to bring in independent matters that are affected by milder penal provisions in the penal code’s chapter on sexual offences, for example sexual acts without consent or filming without consent.” Source: Letter from Trøndelag State Attorney’s Office. She says that it feels as if one is deprived of being offended in the case. – Some cases are extremely much more serious than others, but it doesn’t matter. Even the “mildest” thing he has done is horribly gross. Arne Bye has admitted to raping three women and to having used his position to obtain sexual intercourse in 40 of the 95 cases for which he is charged. He pleads not guilty to the other charges. – Will not have anything to say about sentencing – Since the case is already so huge, they have chosen to drop some cases that are of a less serious nature, explains Kjetil Kolsrud, lawyer and editor for the website Rett24. He says there are two reasons why less serious cases are not part of the indictment. – Firstly, it is about keeping it within the limits of reasonableness when it comes to the practical implementation of the case. The most important reason is that such conditions will have nothing to say about what punishment the defendant will eventually receive, says Kolsrud. – These cases will have nothing to say from or to any sentencing because they are small compared to the main indictment. – But it is understandable that the women with the less serious cases feel passed over. Karen-Marie reacts strongly to the fact that she and many other women are not offended by the charges against Arne Bye. Photo: Morten Waagø / news Several have complained Six of the women who have had their case dropped by the State Attorney have complained about this. This is confirmed by Eli Nessimo to news. Nessimo has not wished to give any further comment until the complaints have been processed by the Attorney General. – It is the case that in this indictment an indictment has not been issued for all possible fines that may have been broken, Nessimo has previously stated to news. Neither did the head of the investigation, Eivind Guldseth, wish to comment. Acknowledges three rapes Arne Bye’s defender, Erlend Hjulstad Nilsen, has not wished to comment on this case. Bye has previously pleaded guilty to some of the points in the indictment. After new police interviews, Bye admitted to having raped three women and to having used his position to obtain sexual intercourse in 40 of the 95 cases for which he is charged. On 5 November, the trial against the former municipal superintendent begins in Trøndelag District Court. Hello! Are you or someone you know affected by the Frosta case? Do you have an experience or story to tell? Or do you have input or tips on who I should talk to? Then I would very much like to hear from you! All information will be treated confidentially. Published 21.10.2024, at 11.40
