– Kamala is “brat” – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Kamala Harris is, in all probability, the presidential candidate for the Democrats. After Joe Biden resigned and showed his support for Harris, old videos of him are now being spread on social media. It leverages her campaign to reach Gen Z on social platforms such as X, Instagram and TikTok. – These are tools that mobilize voters effectively through campaigns, viral videos and memes, something traditional media did not always allow, says Petter Bae Brandtzæg, professor of media innovation at the University of Oslo and Sintef. The artist Charli XCX has explained on TikTok that a “brat” is a girl who can be a bit messy, who can do stupid things and who occasionally has a breakdown. Initially, the concept was not positive, but now it’s cool. Coconut speech goes viral One of the clips that goes viral is a speech from last year where Harris says “You think you just fell of a coconut tree?”, which in Norwegian can be translated into “do you think you just fell from a coconut palm?”. Then she laughs her characteristic laugh, before continuing: You exist in the context of everything you live in and around what was before you. Watch the clip of what has become known as the coconut speech to Harris. Harris says it’s a story my mother used to tell, which means everything is connected. Now it says “give context”, which refers to the speech, under the biography on Harris’ X account. – By embracing this old content, Harris’ team can take control of the narrative, says Brandtzæg. Petter Bae Brandtzæg, professor of media innovation at the University of Oslo and Sintef. Photo: Petter Bae Brandtzæg The coconut and coconut palm emoji are also used by young people on social media to show support for her election campaign. There have also been several accounts and thousands of memes about the anecdote. Harris + Gen Z = “Brat”? On Monday this week, the British artist Charli XCX published an X message. There she wrote that “kamala IS brat”. “Brat” is also the name of the album Charli released in June, which has since topped the charts. The artist is popular with young people. Artist Charlotte Emma Aitchison, better known as Charli XCX. Photo: MICHAEL TRAN / AFP The phrase itself is not special, such phrases go viral at regular intervals. What is special is how the team behind Harris’ election campaign plays on it. – By responding to Charli’s comment in the way they do here, they try to adapt to pop culture and show that they follow trends. Harris has now changed the name of X and Instagram to “Kamala HQ”. This is what Kamala Harris’s X account looks like now. Photo: Screenshot In addition, she has changed the top image on X to the same neon green color as Charli’s album, with the text kamala hq in small letters. In other words, Harris recreated Charli’s album cover on her X account. – It gives a more authentic and relatable image that breaks with the rigid image young people may have of politicians, says the researcher. Can increase young engagement The American journalist Jasmine Wright, who previously worked as a reporter in the White House for CNN, believes that this is the best advertisement the Harris campaign could get. On X she writes that this is worth more than PR worth a million dollars. A message from the American journalist Jasmin Wright Photo: Screenshot This is advertising that can work well to attract young people, according to Brandtzæg. Young voters make up a large part of Americans. They are therefore a group Harris will depend on. – Politicians have long played on celebrities and influencers to attract youth voters, says the researcher. Here, a user on TikTok has posted several clips of Harris. Brandtzæg nevertheless warns that it will be embarrassing if Harris’s campaign plays too much on these trends. – It is difficult to balance between speaking “the language of young people” and trying too hard to reach young people. If the team around Harris does it right, they can win a lot from it. Social media are the most important source of information for the majority of young people, says the researcher. – Harris’ strategy can increase the engagement of young people by creating entertaining and shareable content, which can lead to greater presence in their news feeds, says Brandtzæg. Published 24/07/2024, at 22.46 Updated 24.07.2024, at 22.56
