Justin Bieber holds the biggest concert of all time in Trondheim, for an audience of 40,000 – news Trøndelag

Justin Bieber is the main attraction during the mini-festival Trondheim Sommertid on Sunday 7 August, where artists such as Gabrielle and Mimi Webb will also perform. This is the first time that Trondheim Sommertid has been organized, and it is also the first time that the former Leangen trotbane has been used as a concert arena in the capital city of Trønder. With a capacity of over 40,000 spectators, this will be the largest concert event in Trondheim ever. About 25 trailers with equipment have arrived at the Leangen track in recent weeks. Here is the stage, which has come from the Netherlands, being rigged. Photo: Morten Andersen / news At 3 p.m., the festival grounds opened to people and fans. There, the siblings Thais and Luma Kristiansen were quick, because they got to the very front of the stage. – I love him with all my heart, all his songs, everything he does. I’m really looking forward to the concert, says Thais. They had waited a long time to get to the front. – It is very worth it, says Luma. Sleep two nights in a tent Friends Ane Dorthea Lundberg Nordlie, Sandra Aakerøien and Andrea Hermannsen from Ås came to Trondheim on Friday night, and since then they have been sleeping in a tent outside the entrance to the concert area. – After all, rain and bad weather had been announced, so we couldn’t just lie on the ground. We want to be at the forefront, they explain. – We make the best of it. It is a unique experience to sit here with your friends for two days. Ane Dorthea Lundberg Nordlie, Sandra Aakerøien and Andrea Hermannsen already came on the night of Saturday to secure a place at the front of the concert. Photo: Morten Andersen / news The friends were ready when the tickets were released in November. Now they are very much looking forward to seeing the artist of whom they have been a fan since the beginning. – We have been waiting a long time now. I can’t wait to see Justin sing and do what he loves, says Aakerøien. They have also followed the concerts from Sweden and Denmark, where Bieber received reasonably bad criticism from the reviewers. – We talked about it instead, that reviewers rarely give Justin good reviews. We are prepared for a good concert regardless of what others say, they say. – And Norway tends to be special for Justin Bieber. The rain meant that the friends had to resort to tents rather than sleeping under the open sky Photo: Morten Andersen / news Uncertain for a long time – It will be a completely crazy experience, and a concert for the history books, says Bård Flikke. He is a concert organizer at Livesentralen, which collaborates with All Things Live Norway on the event. The concert in Trondheim is the only one Bieber will hold in Norway in connection with his Justice World Tour, but it was uncertain for a while whether he would come here at all. In June, he announced that he had to take a break from the tour as a result of having contracted a syndrome that paralyzed parts of his face. At the end of July, however, it was confirmed that Bieber was ready for the stage again – much to the delight of the more than 40,000 who come from near and far to see the Canadian pop star. In 2017, Bieber held a concert at Forus Travbane in Stavanger. Now he is ready for his first concert in Trondheim. Photo: Kim Erlandsen / news P3 – Excitement and nervousness linked to the concert Kristian Digre, who is also a concert organizer at Livesentralen, says that they have been rigging for a couple of weeks to ensure that people get a good concert experience. A large stage rig has been specially ordered from the Netherlands, a spacious food hall and 200 meters of bar have been set up, and not least 500 toilets are in place. – We emphasize a good audience experience. I hope we have taken good care of it, so that people will not have to stand in a queue to get to the toilet, for example, says Digre. The organizers also work with neighbours, security personnel, police and emergency services to ensure that things run safely and smoothly. The roads around the arena will be closed in connection with the event, and the public is encouraged to either walk, cycle or take the shuttle buses that have been set up from the centre. Bård Flikke (tv) and Kristian Digre in Livesentralen are proud to be able to present world star Justin Bieber to the audience in Trondheim. Photo: Morten Andersen / news Gathered outside the hotel On Saturday, a group of fans gathered outside the Britannia Hotel in Trondheim, which will be where Bieber will stay when he is in Trondheim. Rikke Løvik and Renate are some of the people news was able to talk to in front of Britannia on Saturday. – We hope to see Justin. A small gesture or perhaps that he will come over. To see him approaching, as it were, says Rikke. The thought that they could be about 20 meters from Bieber gives Rikke goosebumps. Among other things, they saw several guards and people from Bieber’s crew. Renate showed up at the doors of Britannia around seven in the morning on Saturday. – We have been standing here for almost seven hours, so we expect to see him soon, says Renate. On Sunday, there were also more people to be seen in front of the hotel. Rikke Løvik (in grey) and Renate stood for a long time outside the Britannia Hotel in Trondheim in the hope of catching a glimpse of pop star Justin Bieber on Saturday. Photo: Jøte Toftaker / news Excitement Although Flikke and Digre in Livesentralen have organized several stadium concerts in the past, with names such as Aha, Iron Maiden and Ozzy Osbourne, they admit that they are excited about how it will work in this new and even bigger arena . – There is a lot of excitement and nervousness connected to this concert. But it is necessary to experience the joy of seeing the audience’s response. When you open the gate and see people pouring in with expectant faces, and not least the redemption between artist and audience, says Flikke.
