Just under 60 Norwegian citizens in Gaza until tomorrow – Latest news – news

2 December 2023 at 18:26 Just under 60 Norwegian citizens in Gaza until tomorrow Nearly 60 Norwegian citizens in Gaza may escape tomorrow. Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide confirms this to news. – We have today received confirmation from all parties concerned that around 60 Norwegians who remain in Gaza will be allowed to go home tomorrow and that the border will be open. At the time of writing, there are more Norwegians left in Gaza than the nearly 60 who are on tomorrow’s list. The Minister of Foreign Affairs says it is news he recently learned, and emphasizes that it is good news. He says, among other things, they have worked via Qatar, even now while they are in Dubai, how many of the parties are present. – We are now in contact with those concerned to inform them that they can travel to Rafah and get over, if it is practically possible and if they wish. Is it certain that everyone who is left and who wishes will be allowed to come out tomorrow? – There may be a few who are still not on the list, but we are working on it. Can things happen in the next few hours that make this go down the drain? – Yes, I think I should be honest about that. Although we have this agreement with everyone who decides, a lot can happen, it is a demanding situation. news previously wrote that the last Norwegians who were in Gaza got out, but the foreign minister specified in the interview that there will still be Norwegians left who are not currently on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ list of those coming out tomorrow.
